Autor: Jarek Lis (
Data: Sat 26 Nov 1994 - 18:10:48 MET
Kilka wyjatkow z poprzedniego listu:
: > For Intel, which has spent millions of dollars on an advertising campaign
: > using the slogan "Intel Inside," the news of the defect might create
: > something of a public relations problem.
To AMD sie cieszy....
: > Intel said Wednesday that it did not believe the chip needed to be
: > recalled, asserting that the typical user would have but one chance in
: > more than nine billion of encountering an inaccurate result as a
: > consequence of the error, and thus there was no noticeable consequence to
: > users of business or home computers. Indeed, the company said it was
: > continuing to send computer makers Pentium chips built before the problem
: > was detected.
O ila ja dobrze sie domyslam, to jedna na 9 miliardow operacji zakonczy
sie bledem? Czy tylko o dzielenia chodzi?
Tak czy inaczej, to mniej wiecej jeden blad co godzine.....
: > discovered. And in 1991 Sun Microsystems acknowledged that a division
: > error in its Sparc work stations created a security loophole. That problem
: > was later corrected.
To dla rownowagi, i zeby uciac dyskusje o nizszosci Intela.
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