Autor: Slawomir Lobodzinski (
Data: Fri 09 Sep 1994 - 04:20:51 MET DST
Ostatnio pojawil sie na rynku amerykanskim nowy pakiet pod nazwa TIA (The
Internet Adaptor) ($25.00). Pakiet ten pozwala na emulacje SLIP na
zwyklych polaczeniach telefonicznych umozliwiajac posiadaczom "shell
accounts" na uzywanie programow wymagajacych polaczenia SLIP w
"dial-up mode" (Mosaic, WinWeb etc.).
Dane od uzytkownikow potwierdzaja dobra jakosc programu. Dla
zainteresowanych szczegolami podaje lokacje z dodatkowymi informacjami:
Wypowiedz jednego z uzytkowinkow (zrodlo:
....The transmission speed seems to be somewhat better than
standard SLIP. It seems to compare favorably with CSLIP.
TIA is a SLIP emulator. In as such you are not assigned a unique
IP address. You use a dummy address (such as The
program actually uses the IP address of the host computer where the
shell is located and translates to the dummy address as defined
in your SLIP connection. Since you do not have a unique address,
you cannot be a server. Mail is received at the shell account (Programs
like Eudora can give good access to it, however). I have tried
mosaic,cello,several telnets, irc, gopher, finger. and all work well.
the folks at Cyberspace said that you cannot do ping. I have not tried.
I had no trouble setting up my SLIP connection to work using trumpet
winsock as my PC SLIP software.
To archiwum zostało wygenerowane przez hypermail 2.1.7 : Wed 19 May 2004 - 15:45:52 MET DST