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Re: [PECET] mocno podejrzana karta vga

Subject: Re: [PECET] mocno podejrzana karta vga
From: Marcin Debowski <>
Date: Mon, 19 Nov 2018 05:44:24 GMT
Tak mi to nie dawało spokoju i zacząłem szukac po fake nvidia gpu i mamy 
np. coś takiego:

Cheap Nvidia GTX 1060 graphics cards bought on Ebay are turning out to 
be old GPUs of the Fermi generation. These dodgy graphics cards use some 
software and hardware trickery – such as renaming the GPU in the BIOS 
and scratching off GPU IDs – to pose as genuine Pascal cards. They’re 
being listed with lower-than-low price tags on the online marketplace 
that really are too good to be true.


Fake graphics cards are lower model graphics cards that are disguised as 
higher model graphics cards and are sold at a higher price. This means a 
GeForce GTS 450 graphics card can be sold as GTX 970 at a price that is 
much higher than that of GTS 450 in current scenario. Scammers generally 
change the name of the graphics card by modifying the GPU BIOS so that 
the card is identified as higher-model one in the Windows or in system 
information tools.

Myślę, że to takie przypadki bo cudów nie ma. Nawet zdjęcie się zgadza z 
modelem, który wcześniej wyszukałem :)


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