Re: saegate quiet/max perf

Autor: FOX29 <>
Data: Fri 18 Nov 2005 - 23:46:54 MET
Message-ID: <dllll1$d63$>
Content-Type: text/plain; format=flowed; charset="iso-8859-2"; reply-type=response

> 1. bez sensu bo jak sie da w biosie (konfiguracji biosu) to i softem się
> da
> 2. w zadnym znanym mi w biosie nie ma takiej opcji
> Ja dalej polecam hdparam pod linuxa (nie trzeba instalowac)...
ale linuxa trza instalowac

      For SATA drives, the only way they can be switched from quiet mode to
 performance mode is by means of certain BIOS. If your BIOS allows to
 change this feature, you should be able to find it there. Otherwise, you
 can not change this feature. I know that it would probably be ideal for
 you to tell you where you could find this in your BIOS but every BIOS is
 different depending on the system and honestly I am not famaliar with
 every system BIOS. The factors that contribute to where it would be found
 depends on the motherboard and the BIOS.


 Quincy T.
 Seagate Technical Support

Received on Fri Nov 18 23:50:11 2005

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