Re: Polaczenie komp. USB bez link

Autor: Mancer <>
Data: Thu 29 Jul 2004 - 21:06:31 MET DST
Message-ID: <cebhok$pr1$>

"Tomasz`Hypnos`" <hildskjalf@poczta.fmNOSPAM> wrote:

> Chce polaczyc ze soba 2 komputerki, ale niestety nie mam miejsca na karte
> sieciowa. Podobno moznea to zrobic przez kabelek USB.
> Czy koniecznie musi byc kabel typu "link" czy moze byc zwykly kabelek
> usb i np. jakis programik. Gdzies slyszalem, ze przy uzyciu jakiegos
> programu da sie polaczyc oba komputeruy zwyklym usb. System to win 98 i
> xp.

Koniecznie link. połączenie zwykłym kablem A to A skończy
się pożarem ;-)

Q5: How can I connect two PCs to each other with USB?
A5: You need a specialized USB peripheral known as a USB bridge (sometimes
called a USB to USB adapter) to do this. Anchor Chips and e-Tek labs, among
others, make USB bridges.

Q6: You mean I can't make a direct cable connection like a null modem?
A6: Correct. In fact, if you try this with an illegal A to A USB cable,
you'll short the two PCs' power supplies together, possibly destroying one
or both machines or causing a fire hazard. Even there were no danger to the
machines from the problem with two power supplies, there still wouldn't be
any way to get the two PCs talking to each other, since USB doesn't support
that particular kind of communication. A reasonably priced solution to
handle this need is the USB bridge.

Więcej tu :

Wojciech "Mancer" Przybysz
Received on Thu Jul 29 21:05:16 2004

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