Re: Procesory AMD niezgodne w dół?

Autor: Marcin Tworek (
Data: Thu 27 Dec 2001 - 12:01:31 MET

> Stary kompilator Borlanda do Turbo Pascala posiadal blad,
> uniemozliwiajacy odpalenie programow w nim napisanych na szybkich
> maszynach. Jesli ten program zostal napisany w pascalu to wejdz na strone
> Borlanda i poszukaj poprawki.
> Pozdrawiam
> Marcin Tworek

Wszedlem jednak na strone Borlanda i okazuje sie ze tam poprawki nie ma.
Nie zostala ona napisana przez Borlanda a przez uzytkownikow ich
srodowiska programistycznego. oto link:
a oto co jes po nim napisane:
"Runtime Error 200 - 'Divide by 0'
Applications that use the CRT unit may generate this error message when
running on very fast machines (i.e. Pentium Pro 180 and above). The cause of
this error is a timing loop that occurs as part of the initialization of the
CRT unit. This timing loop counts how many clock ticks occur within the loop
and then that number is divided by 55. The result of this division is a
value that is too large to fit into an integer value. The 'Divide by 0'
error message is the catch-all error that is displayed when this overflow
There are currently no Borland endorsed patches for this problem. There are
several user provided patches available on the internet that patch both the
CRT unit as well as existing EXE files. The easiest way to obtain these
patches is to go to and search on '+
+' without the quotes.
These patches are not endorsed or supported by Borland and are used at your
own risk. "
Proponuje przed patchowaniem zrobic kopie programu.

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