DVD + WinME + GeForce2 MX 200

Autor: SeboK (sebastian.klimczak_at_eltur.com.pl)
Data: Tue 09 Oct 2001 - 23:14:59 MET DST


problem jak w konfiguracji jak wyzej (AMD 900MHz)...
proba uruchomienia PowerDVD daje komunikat:

The hardware-accelerated decoding function provided by your display card
is not available.
Because you switch to an unsupported display mode, the
hardware-accelerated decoding function provided by your display card is
not available.

Please close PowerDVD and execute it again. If this message appears
consistently, please verify whether your display card is installed

Oczywiscie probowalem rozmaite ustawienia - i to samo :-(

WinDVD co prawda probuje cos odtwarzac, ale wyglada to jak proby na 286 ...


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