Re: Teleport Pro - jaka DOBRA alternatywa ???

Autor: Nightmare (
Data: Fri 16 Jun 2000 - 17:48:32 MET DST

> Więc tak, jak już napisałem Teleport kaszani 90% plików PDF
> powyżej 1MB, GetRight zrobił mi bakcyla zaledwie kilka razy.
> Podejrzewam że Teleport ciągnie nie zastanawiając się nad
> sumami kontrolnymi a jedynie nad linkami w HTML'ach.
> A w chwilach wzmożonej aktywności światka (po 9:00)
> przydałoby się.
> Jeśli się mylę proszę o info.

no wienc tak - z tymi bledami/przeklamaniami w transmisji pakietow to
oczywiscie bzdura - tcp/ip jest wystarczajaco dobrze zabezpieczony na taka
ewentualnosc, nie oznacza to ze minimalne przeklamanie nie moze sie w ogole
absolutnie zdarzyc - jest to po prostu kwestia zupelnie marginalna...
Natomiast Twoj problem jest banalny - wystarczylo rzucic okiem:

tutaj interesujacy Cie fragment:

Q: Sometimes large graphics files that Teleport Pro retrieves are
incomplete or have lines through them. What can I do to prevent this?

A: Because Teleport Pro can make several data requests simultaneously, it
can at times request more data than your modem connection can handle. When
that happens, the remote server and intermediate Internet routers must wait
their turn to send Teleport Pro data, and if they have to wait too long they
may disconnect, damaging the file in progress.

Teleport Pro's Server Overload Protection algorithm usually prevents it from
initiating too many requests. Generally, it is a good idea to keep this
enabled -- it is on the Project Properties sheet, Exploration page. Also,
because Teleport Pro does not track other applications' open Internet
connections, be sure to close those other applications (such as Netscape)
while running Teleport Pro for big file-gathering projects.

For some servers, however, Server Overload Protection is not enough. If you
find that files are still being corrupted, try limiting Teleport Pro's
maximum retrieval threads to five or less. In most cases, this will solve
the problem.

You can also set Teleport Pro's Retry On Incomplete (Project Properties,
Exploration Page) option to 1 or more. This option forces Teleport Pro to
re-retrieve files that appear corrupted or are smaller than anticipated.
Forcing incomplete files to be re-retrieved will slow your project down
some, but virtually guarantees that your files will be accurately loaded.

generalnie polecam zagladanie na strony producentow oprogramowania ;-)


To archiwum zostało wygenerowane przez hypermail 2.1.7 : Tue 18 May 2004 - 20:14:39 MET DST