Autor: Mr. Free (
Data: Tue 14 Mar 2000 - 01:03:16 MET
>interesuje mnie dos?ownie wszystko, np. jakich substancji u?ywa si? do
>produkcji p?yt CD-R (no wiecie, te kolorki i jeszcze co to za plastik mo?e
>kto? wie)
sporo odnosnie substancji i kolorow mozna znalezc na
w sumie jest tak ze im wieksze odbicie lasera ma plyta, tym latwiej
jest wiezy ja czytac. Z tego powodu ze zwyklych CDR'ow najlepsze sa
zlote. CDR'y for Audio maja odbicie ok 80% a wiec niewiele mniejsze od
normalnych tloczonych.
>jak wygl?da sesja audio (co jest przed track'ami, co po, czy
>jest jaka? korekcja b??d?w). Czy jest jaki? oficjalny opis standardu
Zamieszczam na koncu postu wycinek (po angielsku niestety) opisujacy
format CD-DA.
>Oczywi?cie, gdyby kto? w ko?cu wiedzia?, czym si? r??ni? CD-R od
>CD-R for audio, to te? ch?tnie si? dowiem :). Tzn. wiem ju?, ?e na tych
>"for audio" s? ju? jakie? dane dla nagrywarek "niekomputerowych" (za to
>dzi?kuj? - zawsze co?), ?eby mog?y nagrywa?, ale nie wiem co to za dane
Podbno jest to soft do nagrywania, jako ze nagrywarki for Audio
takiego czegos nie posiadaja...
>Facet w sklepie rozmawiaj?c z Wujkiem (kt?ry, niestety, na nagrywaniu
>nie zna si? kompletnie) twierdzi?, ?e wie?a nie musi czyta? p?yt, kt?re ja
>nagra?em, bo to zwyk?e CD-R, komputerowe, a w instrukcji jest znaczek: "CD
>Digital Audio Recordable" (taki jest, z tego wynika, na tych "for audio").
>Tymczasem CD-DA to przecie? rodzaj sesji, a nie p?yty... wi?c ja maj?c
>CD-R w momencie nagrania sesji CD-DA robi? z niej CD-DA Recordable (no,
>mo?e ju? wtedy to niekoniecznie recordable;)) zgadza si??
Zgadza sie. Wieza MUSI czytac wszystkie CD ktore sa zgodne z formatem
CD-DA. I nie jest tu wazne czy sa one tloczone, nagrywane na zwyklych
CDR czy na CDR for Audio.
Hmm... Z tym 'musi' to moze przesadzilem, jako ze nawet niektore
tloczone oryginaly na niektorych wiezach nie chodza...
>B?d? musia?
>pogada? z facetem ze sklepu, albo z kierownikiem, lepiej. A swoj? drog?,
>to w sklepach robi? wszystko, ?eby tylko nie przyj?? sprz?tu z powrotem
Zgadza sie... :(
>Poprzednio sprzedawca stwierdzi?, ?e p?yta ?le nagrana, teraz
>poinstruowany Wujek wiedzia?, ?e dobrze, to mu kit o CD-DA wciskaj? :(((.
>Mam nadziej?, ?e to tylko kit... :((.
>PS. Sorki, ?e d?ugie wysz?o. Mam nadziej?, ?e kto? doczyta? :).
--- The CD-DA was defined in 1982 in the RedBook by Philips and Sony. A CD-DA sector has 2,352 bytes of user data. The sectors are addressed by minutes, seconds and sectors. The address information is stored in the subchannel (Q). The maximum running time of a 12-cm CD is 74 minutes, an 8-cm single CD has a running time of about 21 minutes. There are two time measurements for addressing a CD audio: by ATime, which means "Absolute Time", and is measured from the start of the disc; and by Track Relative Time, which is measured from the start of a track. 99 tracks on one disc can be accessed directly by a CD-DA player. A track is a continuous data sequence. Each track must contain at least 4 seconds (i.e. 300 sectors, since 1 second is divided into 75 sectors). A maximum of the entire CD can be used for one track. A single tune or musical sequence on CD-DA refers to one track. On a CD-DA all 2,352 bytes of a sector are user data, thus 2,353 bytes multiplied by 75 sectors equals 176,400 bytes, which are transferred per second. This equals about 1.41 Mbit/sec. A cross-check: CD-DA works on a sampling rate of 44,1 kHz and 16 bit samples for 2 stereo channels, i.e. 44,100 x 16 x 2=1,411,200 bit/sec or 176,400 bytes of audio data per second. For each sector and 2,352 bytes of user data, 882 additional bytes are stored on the disc for the 2 layers of error detection and correction code of CIRC (784), and the Control Bytes (98). Each bit of the control byte is given a letter, "P", "Q", "R", "S", "T", "U", "V", and "W". The first bit is designated as "P", the second "Q", and so on. The data stream resulting from all first bits of the 98 control bytes is called "P" subchannel, the stream of all second bits "Q" subchannel. The third subchannel combines the bits "R", "S", "T", "U", "V" and "W" to a 6-bit word, and the data stream of these bits, resulting from the 98 control bytes, is called "R thru W" subchannel. The "P" subchannel has a flag that indicates when the audio data in a track is beginning. "Q" subchannel gives the time code, ATime and Track Relative Time. In the lead-in of the disc this subchannel contains the Table of Contents (TOC). 72 of the 98 bits of the "Q"-subchannel are used for information, the others for synchronization, control and error correction (for the subchannels). Beside sync, control and error correction bits, the "R thru W" subchannel may include user data (64 6-bit words per sector) for additional information. Only the RedBook allows this (for CD-DA), while the "YellowBook" specifies that these bits are set to 0. On an Audio CD, the "R thru W" subchannel is sometimes used for graphic or MIDI data. (MIDI stands for Musical Instrument Digital Interface and means a standard protocol for communication between electronic musical instruments and computers. MIDI files contain messages which refer to the MIDI specification and which can be interpreted by MIDI devices). These discs are called CD+G (Compact disc plus graphics) or CD+MIDI, and can be displayed by a special player in conjunction with a TV and hi-fi set. This subchannel can also be used for user-defined data CD+G titles can be read by CD-i players and some special Japanese consumer players. CD+G and CD+MIDI can be interpreted by Tandy's VIS player (VIS stands for Video Information System) and Commodore's CDTV player. However, these formats are rare. ---
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