Odp: Odp: TNT2 Ultra czy G400???

Autor: Piotr Pastuszka (starosta_at_mikrus.pw.edu.pl)
Data: Thu 22 Jul 1999 - 12:27:07 MET DST

Użytkownik Kris <kris_at_hardware.com.pl> w wiadomości do grup dyskusyjnych
> IMHO Matrox może jedynie zoptymalizować OpenGL i zwiększyć szybkość na tym
> API ale nie wiadomo jak szybko to nastąpi a i tak nie sądze aby był w
> osiągnąć poziom TnT2 Ultra bo takie masz porównanie cenowe.

obecne wyniki z q2 (nie wiem jaki config ale moze normaly domyslny) ze
strony http://www.matroxusers.com/news.html

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Thursday, July 22


Shaping Up
Matrox have given me (and Phil go check out his benchmarks as well on MURCs
G200) a sneak preview of the current development status of the OpenGL ICD
for the G400s that will appear with PowerDesk 5.2x. They've allowed me to
share with you Quake 2 benchmarks now sporting a 32-bit Z-buffer.
Quake 2 - demo 1 (PIII 500 128MB SDRAM)
             16-bit              32-bit 16-bit Z           32-bit 32-bit Z
             G400 MAX    G400 MAX               G400 MAX
 640     82.4 84.4         83.0 84.4                   82.5 84.1
 800     78.5 82.9         78.7 82.5                   77.5 81.7
 1024   64.5 76.7         61.0 74.1                   56.3 70.0
 1280  44.3 59.5         40.5 54.8                    36.6 49.4
 1600  28.9 39.1         22.2 31.4                    19.4 26.8
Quake 2 - crusher (PIII 500 128MB SDRAM)
                 16-bit           32-bit 16-bit Z       32-bit 32-bit Z
            G400 MAX      G400 MAX           G400 MAX
 640    42.1 43.0          42.1 42.8               42.1 42.6
 800    40.8 42.2          41.1 41.9               40.9 41.6
 1024  38.8 40.9         38.6 40.4               37.9 40.0
 1280  34.3 38.5         32.5 37.3               30.1 36.0
 1600  24.6 31.9        18.9 26.2                16.6 22.5
As I've been playing with a little overclocking with my PIII I thought I'd
take a quick look at what a few extra MHz would do. Unfortunately the MAX
didn't seem to want to run Quake 2 with the PIII in this condition so scores
are just from the regular flavour Millennium G400 32MB.
Quake 2 - demo 1 (PIII 585 @ 5x117 128MB SDRAM)
                  16-bit         32-bit 16-bit Z       32-bit 32-bit Z
 640x480       96.6        95.6                      95.6
 800x600       90.1        87.5                      85.9
 1024x768    66.1        61.7                       56.6
 1280x960    44.4        40.6                       36.7
 1600x1200  28.9        22.2                       19.4
moze to nie nie weryfikowalne teraz ale wyniki wg mnie b dobre
MAX = beta Millennium G400 MAX 32MB, G400 = Millennium G400 32MB

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