Autor: Gregorio Kus (
Data: Mon 20 Oct 1997 - 04:36:34 MET DST
Read this.
Windows NT has been around long enough for some Fortune 100 companies which
decided to implement NT as the corporate standard to be in production mode.
The following is a case study of one such company, documented over several
months through interviews with those responsible for the implementation.
The impact of the migration completed to date on the call center's IS budget
and management has been profound - a one-third decrease in performance
accompanied by a fifty-percent increase in management costs. This does not
include production time lost because of workstation freezes, transmission
drops, or the constant re-booting needed to keep the server operational.
>From a very stable environment, the IS staff now report chaotic conditions
which have only abated modestly over the months since the migration started.
-- /----------------------------------------------------------------- Gregorio Kus
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