Wszechwiedząca Wyrocznia.

Autor: Zibby (
Data: Fri 18 Apr 1997 - 18:23:52 MET DST


        Mając dość sporów pomiędzy Linuxowcami i MSowcami(OS/2 siedzi na razie
cicho) zapytałem naszej wszechwiedzącej internetowej
        How to destroy Microsoft Company?

A co ona na to?

} My dear supplicant, there is no need to act proactively. In 1999, the
} masses will rise up against the giant. In what will be known as the
} MicroWars, the users will finally tire of the faulty, pirated software
} and begin spamming Microsoft in submission. Deluged with offers to MAKE
} MONEY FAST, Bill Gates will go nuts and invest all of his money in the
} Ligget Group. Smoking will become mandatory for all Microsoft
} employees. Unfortunately, they will all develop lung cancer and sap
} MS's cash reserves for treatment. MS will not be able to hire
} replacement workers because no one will want to work for a
} Multibillionaire who now spends all day wearing a chicken outfit and
} screaming, "I'm a typewriter!! Punch My Keys!!!!" Naturally this offer
} will be too tempting for most people to handle, and beating up Mr. Gates
} will become the national pastime. And there will be much rejoicing...
} yea.

No dobra, skoro MS się samo wykrwawi, więc > How to make Microsoft Company
jeszcze raz?

} Take one Bill Gates.
} Pluck each body hair off separately.
} Shrink wrap all the hairs.
} Place on top of bed as a replacement for existing heat operating system
} (blankets).
} Note: Although this product may sound good it will fail to live up to
} your expectations.
Huh - huh - uh huh - huh - uh - huh;)

        Teraz pytanko: Ciekawe, czy Oracle to supergenialna sieć neuronowa, która
wie jak świat się kęci, czy też jakiś murzyn co dorabia sobie na boku, ale
z powyższego textu wynika, że też wie jak się świat kręci!;)))

A najlepsze na koniec: sam używam ścierwo'95.

A           V            E     !
Zbigniew von Borgosz

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