Informatyka w amerykanskich bankach

Autor: Gregorio Kus (
Data: Fri 21 Mar 1997 - 11:36:35 MET

July 23, 1996 - IBM's OS/2 Increases market share in banking sector

Dramatic Growth at National and Super regional Level,
at Community Banks and in Branch Applications

AUSTIN, TX, July 23, 1996 . . . Over the last two years,
IBM's OS/2 operating system has emerged as an industry leader
in the retail banking arena, one of the most demanding industrial
environments. Twenty of the top 30 U.S. commercial banks have
made a significant investment in OS/2 with 19 of those running
their branches on OS/2. According to Mentis Corporation,
a leading research firm for the banking industry, OS/2 has
increased its overall client operating system marketshare among
large banks from nine percent in 1994 to a projected 25 percent
in 1996. This compares to only seven percent for Windows NT
in 1994 and a projected nine percent in 1996.

In addition, according to Mentis Corporation, OS/2 has maintained
over the past two years approximately one-third of the marketshare
in all large U.S. banks for its server operating system, compared
to the 13 percent held by Windows NT. Within the community banking
sector, OS/2 marketshare for clients and servers has more than
tripled, with Windows NT penetration declining dramatically.

As far as branch applications are concerned, IBM estimates that
80 percent of all newly installed Automated Teller Machines (ATMs)
worldwide today run on OS/2 platforms and over 80 percent
of all banking transactions worldwide today are processed by
technology running on OS/2. New OS/2 banking installations and
upgrade customers include Comerica Bank, First Union Bank,
First Virginia Bank, and Trustmark National Bank. These and
other banks are investing in OS/2 because it provides unparalleled
multi-tasking, stability, scalability and flexibility, along with
unmatched access to corporate data, corporate applications,
and enterprise- wide networks.

OS/2 was designed for the mission-critical business environment,
and has reliable protection and manageability built directly
into the operating system. The level of satisfaction with OS/2
within the banking community is so strong that some of the world's
largest banking organizations are furthering their commitment to OS/2.

The needs of today's banking industry are increasingly complex
and nowhere will you find a more powerful, reliable and
feature-rich PC operating system, said John W. Thompson,
general manager, IBM Personal Software Products division.
The decision at financial institutions to standardize on
OS/2 demonstrates the leadership of the OS/2 Warp family
in this critical industry. Banks Look to OS/2 as Operating
System of Choice

Comerica Bank, headquartered in Detroit, is one of the nation's
largest commercial and small business lenders. With approximately
400 branches in Michigan, California, Texas, Illinois, and Florida,
Comerica has some 6,000 workstations and 300 servers. In an effort
to make its branch customer service operations run more efficiently,
Comerica Bank chose to implement OS/2 Warp and OS/2 Warp Server.

One of our primary objectives is to make sure we get customers
in and out of our branches as quickly as possible while
maintaining the highest quality of service in the process,
said Ken Milczynski, vice president, Comerica Bank
Operations department. We chose OS/2 Warp for its superior
multi-tasking capability, reliability, and ability to easily
integrate with our other products. With OS/2 Warp Server,
we will be able to maintain our hardware and software inventories
on a real-time basis, as well as to monitor the performance of
our servers across branch offices.

In addition, Comerica utilizes BankPro, a teller terminal
application for OS/2, developed by Argo Data Resources,
based in Dallas. According to Milczynski, the capabilities
inherent in BankPro were essential for the bank to be able
to continue providing great customer service. BankPro
currently runs exclusively on OS/2, and was one of the many
reasons Comerica chose IBM.

Trustmark National Bank, a large commercial bank based in Jackson,
Miss., chose OS/2 for much the same reasons. With an employee
base of about 2,200, the bank has 120 branches, with approximately
150 servers and 625 clients. Since migrating from DOS in 1995,
the bank has been running LAN Server 4.0 and OS/2 2.1. Trustmark
believed that an upgrade was necessary in order to remain
competitive. OS/2 Warp Server and the next version of the OS/2
Warp client, code-named Merlin, created a natural upgrade path.

For performance, stability and reliability, OS/2 comes out way
ahead of Windows, said David Knight, assistant vice president
and manager of Client/Server Technical Services. With OS/2
Warp Server, the bank will be able to enjoy everything we had
with LAN Server 4.0 and much more, according to Knight.
It's really going to save resources and time.

The bank chose to implement the next version of OS/2 Warp
primarily for the attractive built-in Internet and intranet
capabilities. I am extremely comfortable with the decision
we made with OS/2 Warp and OS/2 Warp Server, said Knight.
It's the right way to go.

First Virginia Bank was struggling to keep afloat with 350
servers and 3,500 clients in over 355 branches in Maryland,
Virginia and Tennessee, all running on an antiquated 4700
DOS- based system. To remain competitive and still provide
great customer service, the bank realized it needed
to upgrade its systems and chose OS/2 Warp.

We are very pleased with OS/2's performance, said John Joback,
executive vice president of First Virginia Services, a subsidiary
of First Virginia Banks, Inc. We have seven other supporting
products that we use in conjunction with OS/2, and I am very
pleased with the way the whole operation has come together.
IBM's commitment to OS/2 has made a significant difference
for First Virginia. IBM continues to demonstrate
that it is committed to helping First Virginia succeed.

First Union Corporation, headquartered in Charlotte, N.C.,
is the sixth largest bank in the U.S. With an employee
base of 45,000 in 2,000 branch offices from Connecticut
to Florida, First Union provides a wide range of financial
services to both commerci al and retail customers

In 1994, the bank decided to reengineer its commercial
lending process, an important component of its commercial
customer business. First Union needed a reliable, true
multi-tasking operating system to handle the heavy demands
of a mission-critical system. It selected OS/2 and has since
upgraded to OS/2 Warp, which it currently runs on 6,000
workstations and 2,000 servers bankwide.

When we reengineered the commercial lending process, we wanted
to increase productivity so that banking professionals would
spend more time on customer value-added functions, said Patrick
McCartney, senior vice president, First Union Corporation.
OS/2 was the only available operating system that would truly
support the multi-tasking we demanded. Everyone is most
impressed with its flexibility. The OS/2 Warp Family: The Total
Business Solution


to wszystko oczywiscie oznacza ze OS/2 i s dead, a NT jest wszedzie.
Szczegolnie to zdanie:

   OS/2 marketshare for clients and servers has more than tripled,
   with Windows NT penetration declining dramatically.

no i oczywiscie ponownie potwierdza to ze glupek z polski, mimo ze
wyemigrowal do Italii, nie ma prawa wiedziec o tym co sie dzieje
w amerykanskim swiatku informatycznym.

> W dobie internetu Slaweczku przecietny wietnamczyk moze wiedziec
> lepiej od Ciebie jaka jest informatyczna rzeczywistosc amerykanskich
> przedsiebiorstw.

Ale kazdy Twoj posting Grego udowadnia wlasnie ze tak nie jest....

Twoje sa za to, jak swietnie widac, dowodem na doskonale zorientowanie
w temacie. Oczywiscie przy zalozeniu ze technologie dla najwiekszych
amerykanskich bankow wybieraja idioci.


Gregorio Kus 
ROMA, Italy
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