OS/2 is dead

Autor: Gregorio Kus (Grego_at_RMnet.it)
Data: Fri 21 Mar 1997 - 11:10:31 MET

ATLANTA, Georgia, September 17, 1996 . . .

  IBM today announced that OS/2 servers grew worldwide market
share from 14.1 percent to 15.2 percent from the end of 1995
through the first half of 1996, according to IDC. The strong
performance of OS/2 servers was bolstered by the availability
of OS/2 Warp Server at the end of February.

  Market anticipation for Warp Server was so high that OS/2
servers increased share five percent in the second quarter
over the first quarter of this year. IDC defines share as
determined by the number of new shipments and upgrades,
which totaled 178,100 OS/2 servers in the first half of this year.

OS/2 servers maintained the number two position in total server
installed base, including both file and print serving and
application serving, against Novell NetWare, and beat all UNIX
systems combined. IBM also recorded the second highest percentage
growth rate of shipments from the end of 1995 through the first
half of 1996. In addition, OS/2 servers grew share in the U.S.
to 15.2 percent in the first half of 1996, compared to 10.7 percent
for the same period in 1995.

dodajmy do tego 20 mld.USD wolumenu sprzedazy produktow dla OS/2
(sam IBM) w 1996r.

i to wszystko oczywiscie oznacza ze OS/2 is dead, a NT jest wszedzie.


Gregorio Kus         Grego_at_RMnet.it           Grego_at_cyberspace.org
ROMA, Italy          2ndAdmin_at_iName.com       Grego_at_FreeNet.hut.fi
Anonymous Mail Service - http://free.rmnet.it/~grego/AnonMail.html

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