Re: Nyce_guy - to jakis absurd!( bylo Re: 2 osoby skazane)

Autor: Gregorio Kus (
Data: Thu 20 Mar 1997 - 01:54:39 MET

On Wed, 19 Mar 1997 19:23:43 +0100 (CET), Piotr Bernatowicz wrote:

>Bo w kazdej gazecie jest napisane " Windows NT - jedyny bezpieczny system".
>Natomiast nie znalazlem gazety popularnej (tzn. niefachowej) gdzie bylaby
>choc wzmianka o Linuxie. A przeciez wiadomo, ze produktow M$ uzywaja
>przewaznie (co nie znaczy ze zawsze) ludzie ktorych swiat "jest tak wielki
>jak ich gazeta".

no wlasnie!
niektorzy jednak zabieraja sie do tematu nieco powazniej
a nie przez czytanie hgazet nie mogacych sobie pozwolic
na utrate wplywow z reklam (M$ rzecz jasna)
i wtedy spotykamy maile takie jak ponizej cytowany
Our department here is windows centric (yuck), but there are six or
seven of us who use OS/2 and I manage a Warp Server network. But some
of the windows users are asking for 32bit windows, thinking most
people are going that route (despite the fact that recent studies
show that about 75% of Corp. Windows is 3.1). So I was thinking about
it, reading the press, news groups etc and realized, "Jeeze, I'm
really going to have to stay on top of things. It seems not a week
goes by that there isn't another patch from MS to fix some serious
problem with 95 and/or NT, more often than not security related."

I haven't run into this situation with OS/2. Sure there are some
annoyances, and they do release FP's, but most of the APAR's don't
apply to us here. Even I, an OS/2 diehard, find it hard to believe that
there aren't any serious security holes in OS/2.
Am I missing something?


Gregorio Kus 
ROMA, Italy
Anonymous Mail Service -

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