Re: Off-topic (ale nie napewno)

Autor: Romuald Zylla, T.Uni. of Lodz, PL (
Data: Fri 25 Oct 1996 - 16:53:06 MET DST

At 07:41 96-10-25 +0200, you wrote:
>God was fed up. In a crash of thunder three influential humans were
>yanked up to Heaven: Bill Clinton, Boris Yeltsin and Bill Gates.

>"The human race is a complete disappointment," God boomed. "You each have
>one week to prepare your followers for the end of the world." With
>another crash of thunder they found themselves back on Earth.

>Clinton immediately called his cabinet. "I have good news and bad news,"
>he announced grimly. "The good news is that there is a god. The bad news
>is, God's really mad and plans to end the world in a week."

>In Russia, Yeltsin announced to parliament, "Comrades, I have bad news and
>worse news. The bad news is that we were wrong: there is a god after all.
>The worse news is God's mad and is going to end the world in a week."

>Meanwhile, Bill gates called a meeting of his top engineers. "I have good
>news and better news. The good news is that God considers me one of the
>three most influential people on Earth," he beamed. "The better news is
>we don't have to fix Windows 95."
>Gregorio Kus

W polskiej wersji tego dowcipu było:
Wałęsa wrócił na ziemię i mówi:
 mam dwie dobre wiadomości
po pierwsze Bóg istnieje,
a po drugie Kwaśniewski będzie prezydentem tylko tydzień.

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