Re: 4procNT vs. 1procOS [bylo:Re: plyty dual pentiium, gdzie

Autor: Gregorio Kus (Grego_at_RMnet.IT)
Data: Wed 31 Jul 1996 - 16:01:37 MET DST

On Wed, 31 Jul 1996 03:54:45 +0200, B. Ryszard Jasicki, Serwis
Komputerow Osobistych wrote:

>At 06:23 30.07.96 +0200, you wrote:
>>>>Z testow komparatywnych InfoWeek:

>Swoja droga ciekaw jestem jak wypadlyby porownania WARP-Server contra
>NetWare. Sfera zastosowan wydaje sie byc zblizona.

bylo tam i to.

z tematu NT vs. NetWare
(tym razem komercyjnie a nie technicznie):

Novell's Server Shipments Rise in Q1

   International Data Corp. (IDC) analyzed first quarter trends in
   server operating system shipments. NetWare 4 servers increased
   shipments by 18% over the fourth quarter of 1995, while Windows NT
   file servers fell by 7.5%. NetWare shipments grew worldwide, but
   NT sales were off in regions outside the US. Recent IDC research
   showed that NetWare 4.1 is up to 22% less expensive to use than
   Windows NT. NDS lowers total network cost of ownership as much as
   30% by eliminating redundant administrative tasks. Novell's
   messaging and groupware typically provide a ROI of 334%.


Gregorio Kus       
ROMA, Italy

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