Re: PSI Kurier - tymczasowe resume

Data: Tue 30 Jul 1996 - 14:10:45 MET DST

In <4tjbou$>, (Andrzej K. Brandt) writes:
>Antoni ( wrote:
>: > Nic chlopie nie rozumiesz.
>: > Wszyscy bylibysmy szczesliwi gdyby w95 "chodzilo jak burza"
>: > "nie walila sie co chwila" itd.
>: Bo nie wali sie co chwile
>Mysle magiczne ma, jak widac, duza przyszlosc.

Microsoft wymyslil concept software "good enough". Good Enough to jest
software z bledami ktorych nie warto poprawiac. Oczywiscie, skoro MS jest
"industry standard" to reszta przemyslu idzie za nim jak za "pania matka".
Poprawienie bledow jest kosztowne, wiec jak MS tego nie robi, to reszta
tez nie bedzie zeby sie nie wpedzac w koszta i byc competitive.

Zjawisko jest analizowane przez Edwarda Yourdona w jego ostatniej ksiazce
"Rise and Resurrection of American Programmer". Oto fragment ze strony 158:

"...Windows 95 was being released while this chapter was being written in
August 1995; though the entire industry has apparently decided, a priori, that
it is "good enough"; it may be some time before we discover how many bug it
contains. Metrics guru Caper Jones gave a keynote presentation on the Fifth
International Software Quality Conference in Austin, Texas, in October 1995,
in which he said that the number of "latent" defects in a typical software
system could be estimated by raising the size of the system (as measured in
function points) to the 1.2 power, and that Windows 95 represents approximately
80,000 function points. If this estimate is correct, it would suggest that
Windows 95 has approximately 1,345,434 latent bugs (i.e. bugs injected
during the development process and which had to be exercised during
inspection, code review, in-house testing, and beta testing). If all thsese
activities removed 99 percent of the defects, that would still leave
13,454 bugs to be uncovered after the software was released"...

Andrzej Lewandowski

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