Re: W co inwestowac?

Autor: Gregorio Kus (Grego_at_RMnet.IT)
Data: Mon 01 Jul 1996 - 16:16:30 MET DST

On Mon, 1 Jul 1996 04:34:14 +0200 you wrote:

>At 18:55 30.06.96 +0200, you wrote:
>>I had a boot sector visus. It was called MSDOS...
>Superrr :):):):)

z mojego zbiorku .sig'ow:
[wybaczci mi, ale niektore sa naprawde swietne]


"Virus check in progress, please wait...
- Windows found! Erase [Y/n]? _


- Windows95 : The best advertisement campaign for OS/2 -


 -- OS/2 & Linux -- The freedom of choice! --


(najlepsze to JFK i MacArthur)

Famous People on Operating Systems

John F. Kennedy---"Ask not what your operating system can do for you,
                   Ask what you can do for your operating system."
Winston Churchill---"We shall write to the ISVs, we shall flame the
                     journalists, but we shall never surrender."
Abraham Lincoln---"An IBM divided against itself cannot stand."
Patrick Henry---"Give me Open Standards, or give me Death."
Gen. Douglas MacArthur---"I shall reboot."
MacArthur again---"Old mainframes don't die, they don't even fade away."
Edgar Allan Poe---"Microsoft, nevermore, nevermore."
Julius Caesar---"What? You too? Bill Gates?"
Roberto Duran---"No MS, no MS."
Rene Discartes---"I think, therefore I don't use Windows."
Clint Eastwood---"A man got to know his operating system limitations."
Albert Einstein---"E=OS/2"
Hamlet---"To Warp or not to Warp, that is the question."
Steve McGarrett, Hawaii Five-O---"Boot'em, Dano."
President Roosevelt---"This day shall live in infamy."
                       (On the day Windows 95 is launched.)


P.S. Na zakonczenie - moj ulubiony

Computers are useless. They can only give you answers. - Pablo Picasso

Gregorio Kus       
ROMA, Italy

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