Swieta wojna trwa

Autor: Gregorio Kus (Grego_at_RMnet.IT)
Data: Sun 16 Jun 1996 - 08:08:23 MET DST

Trzy krotkie wiadomosci z frontu:

1. NT za darmo:
      MS is doing anything it can to push competitors out of the way.
   They've even offered NT licenses for free to companies that migrate
   from OS/2--*if the company publicly announces the migration*.)

2. Wiemy wszyscy ze w95 nie ma przyszlosci. Stwierdza to sam Bill Gates.
   Przyszlosc to NT.
       OS/2 WARP sold more copies last December than NT sold all of
   last year.

3. A recent PC Magazine survey shows that two-thirds of Win95 users
   plan to make OS/2 their primary operating system within a year.


Gregorio Kus    Grego_at_RMnet.it                 Grego_at_cyberspace.org
ROMA, Italy     http://www.RMnet.it/~grego     Grego_at_FreeNet.hut.fi

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