Autor: Gregorio Kus (Grego_at_RMnet.IT)
Data: Mon 10 Jun 1996 - 03:22:35 MET DST

WARP server jest w sprzedazy od konca lutego.
Do konca kwietnia sprzedano ponad 50tys kopii.
Dla porownania NT - 400tys kopii. A od kiedy jest w sprzedazy?

Najwieksza zaleta NT tzn. stabilnosc - zostaje powaznie nadwyrezona
w wersji 4.0. Spowodowane to jest przeniesieniem driverow video
z ring 3 do ring 0. Tak jak w WARPie! Ale nie w WARP server, lecz
w WARPie tym personalnym.

Wlasnie zaczyna sie kampania beta test OS/2 WARP Server for SMP
(najczesciej podkreslany przez analitykow brak WARP Servera to
byl wlasnie brak obslugi SMP)

Natomiast z beta testow NT 4.0 - juz sie wyciaga wnioski.
Wnioski sa takie: (cytuje za InfoWorld Electric)

"Microsoft is telling us that Windows NT is the alternative to both
Unix on the application server side and NetWare on the network OS side,
but NT is still really lacking a lot of stuff -- most notably the kind
of directory services that Novell [Inc.] already offers, " said Dan
Kuznetsky, research director for advanced server operating systems
at International Data Corp., in Framingham, Mass.

Windows NT has a very limited domain naming service (DNS) that cannot
represent a hierarchical set of files; NetWare's Novell Directory
Services (NDS), by contrast, can represent a hierarchy of theoretically
infinite depth.

And Microsoft executives say they have no plans to beef up their DNS
until Cairo.

"It's a scandal: Microsoft is telling users that Domain Naming Services
will be the backbone of the future of distributed computing, but then
they don't offer users the means to implement it," said Edward Slade,
an analyst at Barclays de Zoet Wedd, an investment bank in Hong Kong.


As for the obvious omission of mobile computing features in
Windows NT 4.0 Workstation, plug and play, and power management,
Microsoft has made it clear that this will not be rectified until
next year at the earliest.

"These portable features are important for corporate customers;
we recognize there is a problem there and we're going to address it,"
said Alec Saunders, Microsoft product manager of desktop and business
systems, in Redmond, Wash. "It won't come with 4.0; we can't say when
it will come."

This puts a thorn in the side of IT managers who want to standardize
on a single operating system for their desktop and mobile clients.

"They are two distinctly different technologies; Windows 95 is a dead end
and our whole desktop strategy is NT," said Fred Winograd, a vice president
in Montgomery Securities Inc.'s IS department, in San Francisco. "I would
not like to see them delay [NT 4.0], but I would definitely like to see
them accelerate the [inclusion of] plug-and-play capabilities."


Others feel that Windows NT 4.0 is still not up to speed on administration
features that older operating systems offer.

"NT 4.0 is really lacking in system management capabilities; it's where
Unix was maybe in 1984 or 1985, but with a prettier front end," said
Gary Lieberman, systems manager with software developer Integrated
Computer Solutions Inc., in Cambridge, Mass.

to wszystko dedykuje tym, ktorzy juz kilkakrotnie na tej liscie
zapewniali mnie, ze (zwycieskiego) pochodu NT nie mozna zatrzymac.

mozna, moi drodzy, mozna.
jest jeszcze na to czas.
zas napewno sie to nie uda jesli zaczniemy powszechnie ulegac
takim to wlasnie "samosprawdzajacym sie" przepowiedniom.
Jesli bowiem wciaz bedziecie powtarzac (nawet opatrujac slowkiem NIESTETY)
ze NT musi wygrac, ze to tylko kwestia czasu - ci co podejmuja decyzje
nie beda sie pakowac w systemy "skazane na wyginiecie".
I tak to, wlasnie tym krakaniem, spowodujecie to czego sie obawiacie.


Gregorio Kus    Grego_at_RMnet.it                 Grego_at_cyberspace.org
ROMA, Italy     http://www.RMnet.it/~grego     Grego_at_FreeNet.hut.fi

To archiwum zostało wygenerowane przez hypermail 2.1.7 : Tue 18 May 2004 - 12:45:04 MET DST