
Autor: Michal Ciborowski (mciborow_at_labi29)
Data: Mon 06 May 1996 - 11:35:58 MET DST

Ktos tutaj napisal ogloszenie o sprzedazy Atari 65XE. Czy moglby sie
skontaktowac ze mna prywatnie na adres:

Kupilbym ten komputerek za jakies dwa miesiace, ablo nawet po wakacjach

Michal Ciborowski
The Warsaw University of Technology
Faculty of Electronics and Information  Technology
*******  Lord, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, *
******  the courage to change things I can and the wisdom to hide  *********
*****  the bodies of those people I had to kill bacause they  ************** 
****  pissed me of. ********************************************************
*		           *
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