rodzona netszkapa dla WARPa

Autor: Gregorio Kus (Grego_at_RMnet.IT)
Data: Sat 20 Apr 1996 - 13:58:42 MET DST

Native Netscape for OS/2 ?

At a marketing event of Netscape and SGI in Vienna,
Austria the managing director of Netscape Germany, Mr. Karl Klarmann,
mentioned in his speech, that Netscape wants to support every platform
with their client software. Asking him, if this includes also OS/2, he
answered that Netscape plans to port their WWW-Browser software for the
OS/2 platform. The reason for that is the European market share of OS/2,
especially in the scope of banking software. He said there are no
technical problems to do the port and he expects a native OS/2 version
within this year.

Panowie OSiarze - jeszcze kilka maili z zadaniem natywnej wersji.
Prosba o wsparcie rowniez do linuxiarzy (mamy przeciez wspolnego wroga ;-)
a netszkapa to jedna z najwazniejszych aplikacji, nawet mimo nadchodzacego
Merlina ze zintegrowanym z systemem WebExplorerem i wbudowanym w system
interpreterem Javy.


Gregorio Kus       
ROMA, Italy

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