Mirror archiwum pecetowego SAC/STUBA

Autor: Tomasz Surmacz (ts_at_papaja.wroc.apk.net)
Data: Tue 05 Mar 1996 - 01:22:13 MET

Od 2.03.1996 na komputerze ftp.pwr.wroc.pl zostal uruchomiony mirror
dosc popularnego archiwum slowackiego "SAC":


a mirror umieszczony jest pod adresem:

Informacja o tym znajdzie sie takze w pliku MIRRORS.TXT

Odpowiedz "wlasciciela" archiwum na moja wiadomosc o uruchomieniu
mirrora nie wymaga chyba komentarza: :-)

| GREAT!!! I am very happy to have mirror also in Poland now because
| of good relationships to a lot of Polish users and a greate interest which
| have our server in Poland!
| SAC FTP-server is "echo" of SAC BBS - BBS of Slovak Antivirus Center
| in Bratislava - it contains almost all (or in basic areas all) files, which
| are going to BBS. FTP site is technically administrated by other people at
| the Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Information Technology of Slovak
| Technical University which is my main job (I am a teacher here). FTP is
| going on Sparcstation 10 info.elf.stuba.sk alias ftp.elf.stuba.sk, which is
| BTW our main mail-server.

Dodam tylko, ze archiwum to zawiera roznego rodzaju programy graficzne,
narzedziowe i antywirusowe na komputery PC, a w chwili obecnej
zawiera ok. 380 MB roznego rodzaju programow.

Zapraszam wszystkich chetnych do korzystania z mirrora.

| _______
| Slovak Antivirus Center ____|__ | (r)
| Bratislava, Slovakia: --| | |-------------------
| | ____|__ | Association of
| TLF +42 7 2048 228 | | |_| Shareware
| FAX +42 7 2048 230 |__| o | Professionals
| BBS1 +42 7 2048 232 19.200 NonStop -----| | |---------------------
| BBS2 +42 7 2048 295 28.8K NonStop |___|___| ASP Approved BBS
| FTP: ftp.elf.stuba.sk://pub/pc
| SAC FTP-server is mirrored at following FTP-sites:
| ftp.vse.cz in /pub/msdos/SAC/pc
| ftp-beer.bke.hu in /vol1/pub/sac/pc
| ftp.cs.tu-berlin.de in /pub/msdos/mirrors/ftp.elf.stuba.sk/pc
| ftp.pwr.wroc.pl in /pub/pc/sac
| in /SAC (our first U.S. mirror :-)
| ftp.tuke.sk in /pub/mirror/SAC/pc/avir (AVIR directory only)
| makosteszta.sote.hu in /pub/avir (AVIR directory only)
| ftp-tem.nctu.edu.tw in /incoming (news from basic directories only)
| nov1.kar.elf.stuba.sk in /avir and /pack - basic utils only

Tomasz Surmacz

(_   _' __) Tomasz R. Surmacz *---* Work:(071)202636, tsurmacz_at_ict.pwr.wroc.pl
  |  (__  \ http://www.ict.pwr.wroc.pl/~tsurmacz/ Home: ts_at_papaja.wroc.apk.net
  |__(____/ For PGP key finger tsurmacz_at_asic.ict.pwr.wroc.pl *---* irc: TomekS

To archiwum zostało wygenerowane przez hypermail 2.1.7 : Tue 18 May 2004 - 12:39:44 MET DST