Re: karta graficzna - jaki to chipset

Autor: Lech Szychowski (
Data: Tue 17 Oct 1995 - 16:07:49 MET

Chris Labanowski ( wrote:

: ale nie widzialem jak do tej pory nic lepszego...mozna tez probowac setup-y
: od X-Windows w linux-ie, ale to troche wiecej zabawy :)

Warto tez wyprobowac Linux'owe SuperProbe.


| 2:480/33.7 - REAL programmers use INTEGERS - |
| My personal opinions are just mine. |
| If there is anyone I speak for, then most likely it's me. |

To archiwum zostało wygenerowane przez hypermail 2.1.7 : Tue 18 May 2004 - 12:25:53 MET DST