Autor: Dominik Czechowski (
Data: Thu 13 Jul 2000 - 13:05:06 MET DST
On Thu, 13 Jul 2000 09:54:29, wrote:
> Hi,
> I've got an OS/2 Warp 4 machine which has two serial ports on it.
> I'm having great problems in trying to get OS2 to work with both.
> Currently I can use Com1 but it doesn't see Com2. I've booted with a
> dos boot disk and made sure both ports physically work.
> If I go into hardware manager within OS/2 it lists serial_1 and
> Serial_0 controllers but they are listed on the same IRQ (3). I am
> assuming this is the cause of the problem. I am unable to find a way
> of changing the IRQ within OS/2. If I go into the properties of each
> controller I only get the option to select IRQ 3. I have tried adding
> two lines into the config.sys shown below:
> C:\os2\boot\com.sys (1,2F8,3)
> C:\os2\boot\com.sys (2,3F8,4)
> but it just errors (didn't have much faith in the idea but it is
> mention within help.
> I would be most grateful if any one can tell me what I'm doing wrong..
you don't need to add the above lines. Com.sys device driver assigns
com1 and com2 by default to:
com2=(2, 2f8,3)
You only need to use this parameters when you want to use more than 2
com ports. For example I use 3 ports so I had to make an entry
"DEVICE=C:\OS2\BOOT\COM.SYS (4,2e8,3)" in config.sys to have support
for a modem as com4.
P.S. Even when you want to add more ports you just need to put the
ports as a next parameter like this: (4,2e8,3) (5,xxx,y) ...and so on. When you type the device
statement for a second time you simply install second device driver.
Dominik Czechowski
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