Autor: Leszek Kubrak (
Data: Thu 13 Jul 2000 - 13:03:42 MET DST
On Thu, 13 Jul 2000 12:09:23 +0200 (MET DST), wrote:
> If I go into hardware manager within OS/2 it lists serial_1 and
>Serial_0 controllers but they are listed on the same IRQ (3). I am
>assuming this is the cause of the problem. I am unable to find a way
>of changing the IRQ within OS/2. If I go into the properties of each
>controller I only get the option to select IRQ 3. I have tried adding
>two lines into the config.sys shown below:
>C:\os2\boot\com.sys (1,2F8,3)
>C:\os2\boot\com.sys (2,3F8,4)
You must add ONE line to CONFIG.SYS like this :
DEVICE=C:\OS2\BOOT\COM.SYS (1,2F8,3) (2,3F8,4)
And what type is mouse : serial or PS/2 ?
Leszek KUBRAK <>
P.U.I. "InfoKub" tel.0-602-673124
os.Kolorowe 25/5 tel.(0-12)425-04-40
31-941 KRAKÓW fax.(0-12)425-04-41
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