Fwd: New person in charge of OS/2

Autor: Przemysław Pawełczyk (warpman_at_friko5.onet.pl)
Data: Sat 11 Jul 1998 - 20:43:15 MET DST


Tough or light times for OS/2?

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IBM has appointed someone to take over OS/2, now that Seibt's gone: Pat
Sueltz. She's in charge of Java *and* OS/2.

I wrote a short article about it at Sm_at_rt Reseller's Web Site,

(I don't know her at all, so I have no opinion. Really.)


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=============================== OS/2 WARP 4ever
Przemysław Pawełczyk (Warpman) Freelance journalist
Os. Centrum B 1/89 Tel/fax: +48 12 642-13-00
31-926 Kraków warpman_at_friko5.onet.pl
Poland http://friko5.onet.pl/kr/warpman/

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