U prilogu Vam
dostavljam prvi poziv za 9-tu konferenciju "QUALITY 2015" koja će se održati
naredne godine u Neumu, Bosna i Hercegovina.
Više informacija možete
naći na web stranici konferencije www.quality.unze.ba
Srdačan pozdrav, i do
skorog viđenja u Neumu
I have enclosed the first call for
9th conference "QUALITY 2015" to be held next
year in Neum, Bosnia and Herzegovina.
More information can
be found on the conference
website www.quality.unze.ba
Best regards, and see
you later in Neum
Dr. Sc. Sabahudin
University of Zenica
Faculty of Mechanical Engineering in
Fakultetska 1, 72000 Zenica
Bosnia and Herzegovina
tel: 00 387
32 449 145
fax: 00 387 32 246 612
e-mail: sjasarevic@mf.unze.ba