IAS Ironmaking and Steelmaking Conferences Program

Autor: Krzysztof Hübner <hubner_at_iod.krakow.pl>
Data: Tue 18 Sep 2007 - 07:53:11 MET DST
Message-ID: <007201c7f9b8$324d1680$041d9c95@kh002007>
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The full program of the 6th IAS Ironmaking Conference and the 16th IAS Steelmaking Conference is posted in www.siderurgia.org.ar , including the short courses by Gordon Irons on electric furnace, Seshadri Seetharaman on steelmaking and casting slags and Allim Ullah on direct reduction. Or you can receive it by e-mail, just answering YES.
Received on Tue Sep 18 07:48:26 2007

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