Call for Paper
8th Industrial Conference on Data Mining ICDM' 2008
July 16 - July 18, 2008, Leipzig/ Germany
Dear Madam or Sir,
We like to invite you to participate at the 8th Industrial Conference in
Data Mining ICDM'2008.
ICDM2008 is the eighth conference in a series of Industrial Conferences
on Data Mining that are held on a yearly basis. Researchers, R&D staff
from industry and managers from all over the world come together at ICDM
Leipzig to discuss their new research developments for data mining as
well as novel industrial applications and the results they have
achieved. The proceedings will be published by Springer Verlag in the
LNAI Series and selected papers will appear in a special issue of an
international journal. The best paper will be honoured with a special
Data Mining Award.
Through the networking opportunities offered by an exciting social
program you can get to know colleagues from all over the world.
Participants and their expertise will also be presented in a special
publication called "Conference Summary, Who is Who in Data Mining"
We kindly request you to look at
In connection with the Industrial Conference will be held the
International Workshop
Case-Based Reasoning on Multimedia Data CBR-MD 2008
International Workshop on Data Mining in Life Sciences DMLS´2008
International Workshop on Data Mining in Marketing DMM´2008
We are looking forward to welcome you to the 8th Industrial Conference
on Data Mining ICDM 2008 and to the Workshops in Leipzig.
Kind regards,
Petra Perner
Conference Chair ICDM 2008
Received on Mon Sep 17 15:43:59 2007
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