> Florida State University
> Graduate student assistantships available for
> Ph.D. and M.S. degree programs in Computational Science
> The School of Computational Science (SCS) at Florida State University
> will institute an innovative new Ph.D. program in Computational
> Science in Fall 2007. The School already has an active M.S. program
> in Computational Science.
> Over the last few decades, computations have joined theory and
> experimentation to form the three pillars of scientific discovery and
> technological design. Computational Science can be viewed as residing
> at the intersection of mathematics, computer science, statistics,
> engineering and the natural sciences. Examples of problems in
> Computational Science that are common to these disciplines include
> algorithm development and analysis, multiscale techniques, scientific
> visualization, data mining, etc. Due to the interdisciplinary nature
> of Computational Science, it is essential that a computational
> scientist be trained in an interdisciplinary setting. The SCS is
> uniquely positioned to offer such training because it has a truly
> multidisciplinary faculty consisting of biochemists, biologists,
> computer scientists, engineers, geophysicists, mathematicians, and
> physicists, with an even broader spectrum of interests to be
> represented in the future.
> Students enrolled in the Ph.D. program in Computational Science can
> choose several areas of specialization. In addition to the major
> track, which trains students interested in computational algorithms
> which can be applied to a wide range of disciplines, we offer tracks
> in atmospheric science, biochemistry, biological science, geological
> science, materials science and physics. Soon, we hope to add a track
> in Validation and Verification. Students following these tracks gain
> expertise in computational issues specifically related to the chosen
> field.
> The SCS maintains a large and diverse computing infrastructure in
> support of research and education. Computing resources at the SCS
> include supercomputers, a number of clusters and computational
> servers, a laboratory for scientific visualization, a bioinformatics
> server and more. The SCS Visualization Laboratory provides high-
> powered visualization resources to the FSU community for research,
> data analysis of large data collections, and education.
> Florida State University is a national graduate research university
> which has built a reputation as a strong center for research in the
> sciences. It is located in Tallahassee, FL which is situated in the
> Florida panhandle and is approximately two hours from some of the
> most beautiful, uncrowded beaches in the United States.
> Applications are being accepted now for Fall 2007. The SCS has a
> number of assistantships available for qualified individuals.
> Minorities are especially encouraged to apply. Applicants should
> hold a baccalaureate degree in computer science, mathematics,
> statistics, engineering, or a natural science. The interested
> applicant should submit an on-line application to the SCS
> http://www.scs.fsu.edu/application.php
> an application to the Florida State University
> https://admissions.fsu.edu/gradapp
> plus supporting materials which include GRE general test scores,
> official transcripts, and three letters of recommendation.
> For more information, please go to the SCS web site
> www.scs.fsu.edu
> or send a message to
> education@scs.fsu.edu
> ---------------
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Received on Mon Nov 20 07:46:00 2006
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