> ******************************************************
> * ICCS 2006
> * International Conference on Computational Science
> * Endorsed by SIAM
> * Endorsed by IEEE (pending)
> * Reading, UK
> * May 28-31, 2006
> *
> * http://www.iccs-meeting.org/iccs2006
> *
> ******************************************************
> You are invited to submit a paper with unpublished original work
> and/or a proposal to organise a workshop at ICCS 2006, Reading, UK, May
> 2006.
> Please, see http://www.iccs-meeting.org/iccs2006/ for more information.
> ICCS 2006 is the sixth in the series of highly successful conferences.
> The theme for ICCS, "Advancing Science through Computation", marks
> the continued progress in computational science theory and practice,
> leading to greatly improved applications in science. This conference
> will be a unique event focusing on recent developments in novel methods
> and modelling of complex systems for diverse areas of science, on scalable
> scientific algorithms, advanced software tools, computational grids,
> advanced numerical methods, and on novel application areas where the above
> novel models, algorithms and tools can be efficiently applied such as
> physical systems, computational and systems biology, environmental
> finance, and others. We look forward to welcoming you to this exciting
> ----------------------------------
> The ICCS 2006 Proceedings will be published in Springer's Lecture Notes in
> Computer Science (LNCS) series.
> Important dates:
> ----------------
> Proposals for Workshops November 1, 2005
> Full papers submission December 2, 2005
> Notification of acceptance of papers January 31, 2006
> Camera ready papers February 10, 2006
> Early registration March 30, 2006
> Contact:
> --------
> ICCS Local Organizing Committee
> ACET Centre
> School of Systems Engineering
> Whiteknights, P.O. Box 225
> Reading, RG6 6AY
> Phone +44 118 378 6372
> FAX: +44 118 378 5224
> Email: iccs2006@reading.ac.uk
> Vassil Alexandrov.... Scientific Chair
> Dick van Albada...... Workshop Chair
> Jack Dongarra........ Overall Co-chair
> Peter M.A. Sloot..... Overall Chair
> - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
> Please, excuse us if you receive this mail more than once.
> If you want to have an e-mail address removed from our list, please,
> forward this e-mail including any routing information from that
> address to <rmfromdb@science.uva.nl>
Received on Mon Sep 26 11:30:13 2005
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