> Date: Fri, 6 Feb 2004 15:30:40 +0100 (CET)
> From: ACRI Conference Secretary <acrimd@science.uva.nl>
> To: acri2004@science.uva.nl
> Subject: ACRI 2004 - From individual to collective behaviour
> Resent-Date: Fri, 6 Feb 2004 15:30:42 +0100
> Resent-From: Restricted mailinglist remailer <nobody@science.uva.nl>
> (Please excuse us if you receive this more than once)
> Sixth International conference on
> Cellular Automata for Research and Industry
> October 25-28, 2004
> Location: University of Amsterdam, Science Park Amsterdam,
> The Netherlands
> Dear Scientist,
> we kindly bring to your attention the ACRI 2004 conference
> and invite you to submit a research paper to this challenging event.
> Please visit the following website for all information on this
> conference:
> http://www.science.uva.nl/research/scs/events/ACRI2004/
> We welcome contributions related to the following domains:
> * Complex systems, emergent behaviour versus local behaviour
> * Environment: (Pollution models, biomass evolution, desertification,
> erosion processes, landslides, etc)
> * Biological systems: (ecological models, species evolution, immune
> systems, contamination processes, artificial life)
> * Socio-economical models: (vehicular and pedestrian traffic, urbanism,
> social models, economical and financial processes, etc.)
> * Tools and Theory: (new algorithms based on CA, theory of computation,
> CA environments, parallel cellular computing)
> * Modelling of physical or chemical systems: (hydrodynamics, reaction
> diffusion systems, complex flows, etc)
> List of Keynote speakers :
> * Prof. P. Hogeweg (Confirmed)
> * Prof. J. Crutchfield (Confirmed)
> * Prof. Toffoli (TBD) (in view of a von Neumann 100th anniversary
> memorial session)
> * Prof. Andrew Adamatzky (Confirmed)
> * Prof. Vollmar (Confirmed)
> * Prof. Zafer Gürdal (Confirmed)
> Papers and important dates:
> Accepted papers will be published in a volume of the Springer Lecture
> Notes in Computer Science.
> Paper submission: May 10
> Notification of acceptance: June 7
> Camera ready version: July 1
> Registration deadline: July 1
> Conference: October 25-28
> Email address for the conference: acri2004@science.uva.nl
> Sincerely,
> P.M.A Sloot (Chair) (University of Amsterdam, sloot@science.uva.nl)
> B.Chopard (Co-Chair) (University of Geneva, bastien.chopard@cui.unige.ch)
Received on Mon Feb 16 09:51:17 2004
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