> ======== FIRST ANNOUNCEMENT FOR CCP2004 =========
> Conference on Computational Physics 2004
> Magazzini del Cotone, Genova - Italy
> September 1 - 4, 2004
> http://www.ccp2004.infm.it
> ===================================================
> The Conference on Computational Physics 2004 (CCP2004), next of a highly
> successful series, will be organized this year in Genova by INFM at
> "Magazzini del Cotone" in the historical site of the old harbor. /
> /The Conference aims to cover all fields of Computational Physics, its
> scope being summarized by the motto
> /"Unraveling the physical world by computer simulation".
> /The topics will be: /
> /
> * /Nanostructure and Materials Science /
> * /Biostructures and Soft Matter (Polymers, Membranes, Proteins, etc.)
> * /Computational Statistical Physics, Turbulence Plasmas and
> Reactive Flows /
> * /New Methods in Computer Simulation /
> * /Lattice Gauge Theory and Elementary Particle Physics /
> * /Computational Aspects of Astrophysics /
> * /Quantum simulation (many-body, dynamics, lattice models, etc.) /
> * /Frontiers in Large Scale Computing (and quantum computing)// /
> /
> /The conference has gained a remarkable tradition. CCP2004 is part of
> the series of the computational divisions of APS and EPS on Physics
> Computing and is periodically alternating between Europe, North America,
> and the Far East, the latest one in Europe having taken place in Aachen
> in 2001. CCP conferences are supported by EPS, IUPAP and APS. The series
> is one of the most recognized one in computational science world-wide.
> The number of attendees varies between 300 and 500.
> The Conference will comprise 2 plenary sessions and 8 parallel sessions
> per day, each of the first three days, together with a 3-day long poster
> session. Moreover, on the final day of the Conference there will be a
> special dedicated session on the occasion of /Prof. Kurt Binder/'s 60th
> birthday at the end of which will be awarded the prestigious /Berni
> Alder Price/ for/ Computational Physics/, assigned from CECAM in
> collaboration with EPS every three year.
> We kindly invite you to visit the CCP2004 web site and do the
> preliminary registration for the Conference. This will entitle you to a
> username and password which will be required to access the web services
> area being set up for submitting abstracts, complete registration form,
> hotel booking etc.
> Please take notice of the deadlines that have been defined for
> submissions of oral and poster contributions.
> http://www.ccp2004.infm.it/
> Please address your emails to the following address:/ ccp2004@infm.it
> _IMPORTANT DATES: ( Update !!)_
> Receipt of extended abstracts ................. April 1st, 2004
> Notification of acceptance of papers........ June 1st, 2004
> Deadline for posters submission ............. June 1st, 2004
> Registration with reduced fee ................. July 1st, 2004
> Conference Chairman ......... Prof. Giovanni Ciccottti
> Conference Secretary ........ Prof. Mauro Ferrario
> Conference Secretary ........ Dr Simone Melchionna
> Conference Secretary ........ Dr Carlo Pierleoni/
Received on Mon Feb 2 09:05:39 2004
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