- [Microscopy] University of Sydney postdoc position
- [Seminarium] ACRI 2004 - From individual to collective behaviour
- [Seminarium] ICCS'2004 : New deadline for the paper submission - December 10, 2003
- [Seminarium] ICCS2004 Workshop on Multi-Physics Multi-Scale Simulation
- [Seminarium] Workshop on Interactive Visualisation and Interaction Technologies
- ACRI 2004 - From individual to collective behaviour (fwd)
- Europejski Portal dla Mobilnych Naukowców
- HUTNICTWO - www.ehutnictwo.com - serwis polskiego hutnictwa
- IASTED Newsletter on Modelling and Simulation - Nov. 2003 (fwd)
- ICCS2004 Workshop on Multi-Physics Multi-Scale Simulation (fwd)
- IEEE Intelligent Vehicles Symp 2004, Parma, Italy
- IMEnglish
- Journal of applied Signal Processing - Advances in Intelligent Vision Systems
- KomPlasTech 2004
- NATO ASI July 18-30,2004-Turkey
- RAPIDUS Notification
- Short course in Nanomaterials
- SPECIAL INVITATION: DECEMBER 31, 2003. Vassilopita as well as presentation of our work in WSEAS. (fwd)
- WNT Odlewnictwo
- www.odlewnictwo.com - serwis polskiego odlewnictwa