> Dear Colleagues,
> The Organizing Committee has the honor to announce that:
> 1. The 4th ASEAN Microscopy Conference and The 3rd
> Vietnam Conference on Electron Microscopy will be continuously held in
> on 05-06 January 2004.
> 2. The deadline for article submission will be on 30
> August 2003.
> 3. The submitted and approved articles will be put in
> the Proceedings of the Conference.
> Chairman of the Organizing Committee
> Nguyen Van Man M.D., D.M.Sc
> If you need more informations, please contact at:
> Assoc. Prof Nguyen Kim Giao
> Electron Microscopy Unit
> National Institute of Hygiene and Epidemiology
> 1- Yersin Str - HaiBaTrung Distr - HaNoi-VietNam
> Tel: 84.4.9715434
> Fax: 84.4.8210853
> Email: emlad@hn.vnn.vn
> or emunihe@vol.vnn.vn
Received on Wed Jun 25 07:40:53 2003
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