Fw: New technologies in refrigeration and in air conditioning

Autor: KJ Hübner <hubner_at_IOd.krakow.pl>
Data: Mon 23 Jun 2003 - 07:45:48 MET DST
Message-ID: <002501c3394a$b33a2040$051d9c95@iod.krakow.pl>
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New technologies in refrigeration and in air conditioning:

X European Conference, advanced courses and free documentation for all technicians in these sectors.


All refrigeration and air conditioning technicians and engineers are invited to widen their horizons about advanced European formation and information by means of free documentation, reports, articles from the leading experts in these sectors, courses and conferences visiting www.centrogalileo.it and www.eurocooling.com .


The first two events for technicians and engineers world wide which will be organized in the next days / months are:


1. In Italy:


Friday 27 th -Thursday 28 th of June "X EUROPEAN CONFERENCE ABOUT NEW TECHNOLOGIES IN REFRIGERATION AND IN AIR CONDITIONING" at the University - Politecnico of Milan - Patronage of Environment Italian Ministry.



2. In the United Kingdom:


Wednesday 27th -Thursday 28 th of August "Advanced course of Air Conditioning design with particular emphasis in environment problems" at Napier University in Edinburgh with the famous festival as backdrop.



For all information, details and to request about free documentation, please call Miss Marzia 00390142452403 or send an email to buoni@centrogalileo.it




Best regards.


                                                                                                                                                            Marzia Righetti


                                                                                                                                        Information Department Centro Studi Galileo



To be removed you simply mail to: buoni@centrogalileo.it with Remove in the subject line




Received on Mon Jun 23 07:50:04 2003

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