Post-Doctoral Research Associate Position Open (fwd)

Autor: Krzysztof Jan Huebner <>
Data: Wed 22 Jan 2003 - 07:42:38 MET
Message-ID: <Pine.SUN.3.91.1030122074226.6411A-100000@czapla>
Content-Type: TEXT/PLAIN; charset=US-ASCII

Post-Doctoral Research Associate
Stevens Institute of Technology

There is a post-doctoral opportunity within the Department of Chemical,
Biochemical, and Materials Engineering at the Stevens Institute of
Technology to develop and apply advanced techniques of transmission
electron microscopy to quantitatively study the morphology of both dry
and hydrated synthetic and natural polymers.

The ideal candidate will have experience in electron optics, electron
energy-loss spectroscopy, and cryo-TEM. Acceptable candidates will at
least have: (1) experience with transmission electron microscopy, either

from a physical or biological sciences perspective; (2) a willingness to

develop a leadership role in problems associated with the nanoscale
morphology of hydrated polymeric biomaterials; and (3) good
communication skills.

This is an NIH-funded position associated with a new inter-institutional

NCRR on Polymeric Biomaterials. This NCRR is associated with the New
Jersey Center for Biomaterials and involves core laboratories at
Rutgers, NJIT, and Stevens. A multi-year appointment for this position
is anticipated.

The Stevens Institute of Technology is a small private university
concentrated on engineering, science, and technology management.
Stevens is located in very close proximity to New York City. The
Stevens electron-optics laboratory contains a Philips CM20 FEG TEM/STEM,

a Philips CM30 SuperTwin TEM, and a LEO 982 FEG SEM. The CM20 FEG
TEM/STEM is equipped with a Gatan Enfina ccd PEELS system and a Gatan
Multiscan digital camera. Both are interfaced to an Emispec Vision
acquisition and control system. The facility is fully equipped with
cryomicrotomy and cryo-transfer capabilities to deal with frozen
hydrated materials.

For further information please contact:

Professor Matthew R. Libera
Dept. Chemical, Biochemical, and Materials Engineering
Stevens Institute of Technology
Hoboken, New Jersey 07030
ph: 201-216-5259
fax: 201-216-8306
Received on Wed Jan 22 07:45:29 2003

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