> Dear Colleagues
> This is to inform you that the Call for Abstracts for the forthcoming
> International Meeting on Applied Physics (APHYS-2003), to be held in
> (Spain), during October 14-18th 2003, is now opened.
> Website
> www.formatex.org/aphys2003/aphys2003.htm
> Abstracts submission deadline: March 24th 2003
> As you can see, Imaging Techniques and Applied Microscopy will have very
> important weight in the scientific Program of APHYS-2003. Some of topics
> be covered will be:
> - Surfaces, Interfaces and Colloids
> - Imaging Techniques, Microscopy
> - Nano-sciences and Technologies
> - Materials Science
> - Biomedical Engineering and Biomaterials
> Science&Engineering
> - Computational Physics
> In addition to the regular Scientific Program, several International
> Workshops will be held as pre-conference events. The following two will be
> of high interest for the Microscopy community:
> 1. Workshop on Modern Applied Microscopy in Molecular and Cell Biophysics
> Research(please visit the website for details)
> 2. Pre-conference Workshop: International Interdisciplinar Workshop on
> Bioengineered Non-crystalline Solids
> For all the information regarding the conference, please visit
> www.formatex.org/aphys2003/aphys2003.htm
> Potencial reviewers are kindly asked to write us with personal data,
> field(s) of expertise and a list of publication. The official list of
> reviewers will be also included in the conference publications.
> Proceedings will be published within several international journals,
> depending on each paper topic:
> - Journal of Microscopy
> - Journal of Non-crystalline Solids
> - Applied Surface Science
> - Physica Scripta
> For issues regarding Commercial Exhibition and Sponsorship, please refer
> the Conference website or contact Ines Solo de Zaldivar
> (secretariat@formatex.org )
> Thank you in advance and please contact us for any suggestion or question.
> Antonio Mendez-Vilas
> APHYS-2003 Co-ordinator
> secretariat@formatex.org
> www.formatex.org/aphys2003/aphys2003.htm
Received on Tue Jan 21 13:55:58 2003
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