ACEM17, Adelaide, South Australia, Feb2002 (fwd)

Autor: Krzysztof Jan Huebner <>
Data: Mon 14 May 2001 - 11:21:23 MET DST
Message-ID: <Pine.SUN.3.91.1010514112112.17039A-100000@czapla>
Content-Type: TEXT/PLAIN; charset=US-ASCII

Just a Reminder

The 17th Australian Conference on Electron Microscopy will be held in
the Adelaide Convention Centre 4th - 8th February 2002, presenting you
with an opportunity to escape cold climes and enjoy the worlds best
fresh food and wines whilst participating in a conference with, the
majority of Australia's and some of the World's leading Electron
Microscopists, Scanned Probe Microscopists, and Confocal Microscopists.

The Australian Society for Electron Microscopy (Inc.) is the host
society for this meeting in Adelaide, which is the is the Capital of the
State of South Australia. Adelaide is a picturesque city and is the
business and educational centre for the state.
South Australia is noted for its glorious Mediterranean climate,
picturesque surfing beaches, aquaculture, unpolluted agriculture and
of course, 5 of the worlds truly great wine producing areas.

There are many unique and significant tourist destinations are within
easy reach of Adelaide. The Barossa Valley with its unique German
influence, Southern Vales and the Clare Valley are wine regions
producing Australia's most famous wines such as the Grange and Hill of
Grace. The rugged Flinders Ranges, Kangaroo Island, the Adelaide Hills
and Beaches, offer a variety of scenic and relaxing outings to take at
your convenience.

Planning for the meeting is well advanced and you will be receiving
registration of interest and calls for abstracts in the near future. We
have focused on the website as our major form of communication. I do
hope that you can visit the site from time to time to maintain an
awareness of the ACEM17 activities.

The conference will incorporate a series of workshops covering a broad
range of topics. Student microscopists are encouraged to attend to
learn or to launch their presentation careers and
 a series of student bursaries will be offered to facilitate this.
On behalf of the Organising Committee may I extend an invitation
    to attend this important meeting.

John Terlet
(Centre for Electron Microscopy & MicroStructure Analysis)
Adelaide University
Ph: 61 8 8303 5855
Fax: 61 8 8303 4356
Received on Mon May 14 11:28:13 2001

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