> Dear fellow microscopists,
> Although it might seem early to talk about the Microscopy and
> Microanalysis meeting in the year 2002 Quebec City, Canada, it is the
> time where the symposia are established and the symposia organizers
> determined.
> In order to provide the best possible program, I, as program chair,
> am soliciting suggestions for symposia for the year 2002. Your idea
> for a great topic in any of the areas of "Physical Sciences,"
> "Biological Sciences," or in "Advances in Instrumentation and
> Techniques," would be highly appreciated; after all, it is our annual
> meeting. Between now and June 30th 2001, I can be contacted under
> the following address:
> mm2002@ornl.gov
> Please forward the request also to your colleagues.
> With best regards,
> Edgar Voelkl
> Program Chair M&M 2002
> P.S.:
> For more information on the 2002 program, see:
> http://msc.rsvs.ulaval.ca/2002/2002.html
Received on Mon May 14 11:25:28 2001
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