> The Combustion Institute and
> the International Centre for Heat and Mass Transfer
> are pleased to announce
> MCS-02
> The Second Mediterranean Combustion Symposium
> in Sharm El-Sheikh, Egypt
> during January 6-11, 2002
> Organized by Cairo University
> The details are on the Web page at
> <http://ichmt.me.metu.edu.tr/upcoming-meetings/Mcs-02/announce.html>
> In case you have problems with access to the Web, please contact:
> Assoc. Prof. M.S. Mansour
> Mechanical Engineering Department
> The American University in Cairo, Egypt
> Fax: ++ 202 795 7565
> E-mail: mansourm@aucegypt.edu
> The first Mediterranean Combustion Symposium was held in Antalya, June
> 1999. The contribution of 80 papers, 39 posters and 16 plenary lectures
> presented by eminent scientists made the symposium a very successful
> scientific event. Many of the contributed papers appeared in special
> issues of "^ÓCombustion Scence and Technology"^Ô and"^ÓExperimntal Thermal
> and Fluid Science"^Ô Journals. So, the program committee co-chair,
> Professor Mostafa M. Kamel (University of Cairo, Egypt), Nevin Selcuk
> (Middle East Technical University, Ankara, Turkey), and Federico Beretta
> (Istituto di Ricerche sulla Combustione, Napoli, Italy) decided to
> continue this success in preceeding symposia.
> The symposium aims at the common efforts of the scientific communities
> from countries around the Mediterranean Sea in soliciting works and
> promoting the participation of scientists, engineers and students from the
> same area. Participants from all countries of the world are welcome and
> submission of papers from groups not located in this region is greatly
> appreciated since it is considered a valuable contribution to enrich
> different points of view as well as to communicate last achievements in
> the field. All topics and all the scientific/technological approaches in
> the Combustion field are pertinent to this Symposium. The technical
> program will consist of oral presentation of contributed papers and
> work-in-progress communications. Invited lectures will be given by
> eminent specialists from all over the world. Contributed papers and
> work-in-progress communications will be organized into Colloquia on topics
> of special interest.
> 1.Turbulent Combustion and Modeling
> 2.Flame Structure and Dynamics
> 3.Sprays and Gas Combustion Systems
> 4.Internal Combustion Engines
> 5.Solid Fuels Combustion
> 6.Optical Diagnostics and Radiative Transfer
> 7.Fire / Explosions
> 8.Combustion and Pollutants
> 9.Kinetics
> The technical program will consists of oral presentation of contributed
> papers and work-in-progress communications. The guidelines for preparation
> of manuscripts, submission deadlines and other information are given on
> the Web
> Full size paper : May 15, 2001
> Work in progress : September 15, 2001
> Paper acceptance : October 1, 2001
> Camera ready paper : November 1, 2001
> q
Received on Tue Feb 13 10:34:41 2001
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