> We would be grateful if you could advertise the folllowing:
> Research Associate:
> Modelling Powder Flow & Compaction
> Applications are invited for a two-year position to work in the area of
> powder flow and compaction. Candidates should possess a PhD, or have
> equivalent experience.
> The Research Associate will take primary responsibility for the research
> on powder flow and transfer. This will involve developing and undertaking
> experimental programmes of work, conducting theoretical studies of these
> processes and evaluating the results of the experiments to construct
> suitable engineering constitutive laws. During the past year experimental
> facilities have been developed for the study of powder flow and a range of
> studies have been undertaken to determine the behaviour of a range of
> different powders. The major emphasis over the next two years of the
> programme will be in the development of constitutive models and
> computational procedures to model the observed behaviour. The Research
> Associate will also be responsible for the expansion of the experimental
> and theoretical programmes to the study of powder transfer. He/she will
> liase with other members of the Research Group to develop a process design
> package for powder metallurgical components.
> Informal enquiries by telephone should be made to Prof Alan Cocks,
> Department of Engineering, University of Leicester, Leicester LE1 7RH.
> Tel: 0116 252 2551, Fax: 0116 252 2525, Email: acfc1@le.ac.uk.
> Applications forms and further details can be obtained from, the Personnel
> Office, University of Leicester, Leicester LE1 7RH. The closing date for
> applications is 19 January 2001.
Received on Tue Jan 9 14:57:57 2001
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