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---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Thu, 22 Apr 1999 07:35:36 -0600
From: Tim E. Harper <>
To: Microscopy@Sparc5.Microscopy.Com
Subject: Colloquium on Microscopy and Materials Analysis in Madrid on 26th May 1999.
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Dear List,
CMP Científica and Philips are holding a joint colloquium on Microscopy and
Materials Analysis in Madrid on 26th May 1999.
The colloquium is aimed at all Microscopists and analysts working on both
materials and biological applications. The object is to discuss new
techniques and instrumentation that will aid us in characterisation, and
technologies that can speed up sample preparation.
Working languages will be Spanish & English.
For more details see or e-mail me direct.
Tim E. Harper (
Tim E. Harper CMP Cientifica s.l.
Surface & Materials Analysis Consultants
Apdo Correos 20, 28230 Las Rozas, Madrid, Spain
Tel: +34 91 640 71 85 Fax +34 91 640 71 86
Received on Thu Apr 22 18:26:47 1999
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