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---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Tue, 23 Mar 1999 09:43:08
From: Yi-Ping Hung <>
Subject: ACCV2000 Call for Papers
Call for Papers -- ACCV2000
The Grand Hotel, Taipei, Taiwan
January 8-11, 2000
Paper Submission Deadline: June 15, 1999
ACCV2000 is a continuation of the previous three Asian Conferences
on Computer Vision, which were ACCV'93 in Osaka, ACCV'95 in
Singapore, and ACCV'98 in Hong Kong. The theme of ACCV2000 is
"Computer Vision in the New Century." The conference will provide a
forum for researchers to exchange up-to-date technical knowledge
and experience. In addition to the technical sessions, there will
be plenary, invited and tutorial sessions. Four best papers
(two best oral papers and two best poster paper presentations) will
be selected from the submissions. Topics of interest include, but are
not limited to, the following:
Active and Real-Time Vision Low-Level Processing
2D & 3D Scene Analysis Stereo and Motion Analysis
Document Processing Integration of Modules and Cues
Character Recognition Object Recognition
Biomedical Image Analysis Physics-Basd Vision
Image Analysis for Multimedia Industrial Visual Inspection
Feature Extraction Image and Video Segmentation
Texture Analysis Applications
Wen-Hsiang Tsai (Chiao Tung U.)
Hsi-Jian Lee (Chiao Tung U.)
Katsushi Ikeuchi (U. of Tokyo)
Kuo-Chin Fan (Central U.)
Yi-Ping Hung (Academia Sinica)
Roland Chin (Hong Kong U. of Science & Technology)
Masakazu Ejiri (Hitachi Central Lab)
Thomas Huang (U. of Illinois)
Song De Ma (Inst. of Automation, Beijing)
Yoshiaki Shirai (Osaka U.)
Ching Y. Suen (Concordia U.)
Saburo Tsuji (Wakayama U.)
Jake Aggarwal (U. of Texas)
Narendra Ahuja (U. of Illinois)
Ruud Bolle (IBM T.J. Watson Research Center)
Zen Chen (Chiao Tung U.)
David Cooper (Brown U.)
Larry Davis (U. of Maryland)
Xiaoqing Ding (Tsinghua U.)
Olivier Faugeras (INRIA)
Davi Geiger (NYU)
Robert Haralick (U. of Washington)
Jun-ichi Hasegawa (Chukyo U.)
Anil Jain (Michigan State U.)
Ray Jarvis (Monash U.)
Bor-Shenn Jeng (Chunghwa Telecom Labs)
Avinash Kak (Purdue U.)
Takeo Kanade (CMU)
Rangachar Kasturi (Penn State U.)
Les Kitchen (U. of Melbourne)
Josef Kittler (U. of Surrey)
Chung-Nim Lee (Postech)
Seong-Whan Lee (Korea U.)
Stan Z. Li (Nanyang Tech. U.)
Takashi Matsuyama (Kyoto U.)
Michihiko Minoh (Kyoto U.)
Dinesh Mital (Nanyang Tech. U.)
Shree Nayar (Columbia U.)
Yuichi Ohta (U. of Tsukuba)
Adrian Pearce (Curtin U.)
Soo-Chang Pei (Taiwan U.)
Shmuel Peleg (Hebrew U.)
Ting-Chuen Pong (Hong Kong U. of Science & Technology)
Yukio Sato (Nagoya Institute of Technology)
Harry Shum (Microsoft Research)
Tieniu Tan (Inst. of Automation, Beijing)
Hung Tat Tsui (Chinese U. of Hong Kong)
Jhing-Fa Wang (Cheng Kung U.)
Han Wang (Nanyang Tech. U.)
Gang Xu (Ritsumeikan U.)
Masahiko Yachida (Osaka U.)
Shiaw-Shian Yu (Industrial Technology Research Inst.)
Zhengyou Zhang (Microsoft Research)
Chung Lin Huang (Tsing Hua U.) - Local Arrangement (chair)
Wen-Liang Hwang (Academia Sinica) - Local Arrangement (co-chair)
Mark Liao (Academia Sinica) - Publicity
Din-Chang Tseng (Central U.) - Publication
Chiou-Shann Fuh (Taiwan U.) - Demonstration
Ja-Chen Lin (Chiao Tung U.) - Treasurer
Jen-Hui Chuang (Chiao Tung U.) - Secretary
Authors are requested to submit full paper (in English) of no more
than 30 pages (double-spaced, 12-point, including text, figures and
references) describing original results of their research work. Each
copy of the paper should have a cover page containing the title of the
paper, names and addresses of the authors, and an abstract of no more
than 200 words. Four hard copies of each paper should be sent to:
Professor Kuo-Chin Fan
Department of Computer Science & Information Engineering
National Central University
Chung Li, Taiwan
Fax: +886-3-422-2681
Paper Submission Deadline: June 15, 1999
Notification of Acceptance: August 30, 1999
Camera-Ready Copy Due: September 30, 1999
National Science Council, Taiwan
Ministry of Education, Taiwan
Institute of Information Science, Academia Sinica
Computer and Communications Research Labs, ITRI
Institute of Information Industry
Chunghwa Telecom Labs
The Chinese Image Processing and Pattern Recognition Society
The IEEE Taipei Section, Computer Chapter
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Received on Tue Mar 23 07:38:26 1999
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