Krzysztof Jan Huebner
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---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Fri, 19 Mar 1999 12:44:24 -0500
From: Kim Takita <kmtakita@KNOWLEDGEFOUNDATION.COM>
Subject: Materials Informatics
"Effective Data Management for New Materials Discovery:
Materials Informatics"
June 28-29, 1999 in Boston, MA
for more information see our web site:
or email and we will mail you a full brochure.
The conference covers many of the issues brought up in the group. Some of
these questions include:
* How to design multiple materials databases to allow transparent acess to
all relevant applications throughout the discovery to development phase
* How to integrate disparate application software, and provide standardized
methods of analyzing data
* How to enlist the aid of software and systems providers
* How to best access publicly available information sources
IN addition, a special session will be held in conjunction with the
conference to explore the establishment of an industry consortium for
materials informatics.
Please feel free to contact me for further information.
Kim Takita
Vice President
The Knowledge Foundation, Inc.
101 Merrimac Street
Boston, MA 02114
617-367-7979 ext. 202
617-367-7912 (fax)
Received on Tue Mar 23 07:37:17 1999
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