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---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Wed, 6 Jan 1999 19:09:10 -0000
From: Edwin R. Hancock <>
Second International Workshop on
York, England, July 26-29, 1999
Energy minimization methods represent a fundamental methodology in computer
vision and pattern recog- nition, with roots in such diverse disciplines as Phy
sics, Psychology, and Statistics. Recent manifestations of the idea include Mar
kov random fields, relaxation labeling, various types of neural networks, etc.
These techniques are finding application in areas such as early vision, graph m
atching, motion analysis, visual reconstruction, etc. This workshop is the seco
nd in a series that aims to consolidate research efforts in this area, and to p
rovide a discussion forum for researchers and practitioners interested in this
important yet diverse subject. The scientific program of the workshop will incl
ude the presentation of invited talks and contributed research papers. The work
shop is sponsored by the International Association for Pattern Recognition (IAP
R) and organized by the Department of Computer Science of the University of Yor
Papers covering (but not limited to) the following topics are solicited:
Theory: (e.g., Bayesian contextual methods, a discrete optimization, informatio
n theory and statistics, learning and parameter estimation, Markov random field
s, neural networks, relaxation processes, statistical mechanics approaches, sto
chastic methods, variational methods)
Methodology: (e.g., deformable models, ea
rly vision, matching, motion, object recognition, shape, stereo, texture, visua
l organization)
Applications: (e.g., character and text recognition, face proce
ssing, handwriting, medical imaging, remote sens- ing)
Program co-chairs
Edwin R. Hancock, University of York, UK
Marcello Pelillo, University of Venice, Italy
Program committee
Patrick Bouthemy INRIA, France
Joachim Buhmann University of Bonn
Mario Figueiredo, Instituto Superior Tecnico, Lisbon, Portugal
Davi Geiger, New York University, USA
Anil K. Jain, Michigan State University, USA
Josef Kittler, University of Surrey, UK
Stan Z. Li, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore
Maria Petrou, University of Surrey, UK
Anand Rangarajan, Yale University, USA
Kaleem Siddiqi, McGill University, Canada
Shimon Ullman, Weizmann Institute, Israel
Lance Williams, University of New Mexico, USA
Alan L. Yuille, Smith Kettlewell Institute, USA
Josiane Zerubia, INRIA, France
Steven W. Zucker, Yale University, USA
Invited speakers
There will be one keynote speaker and four invited speakers. Details are curren
tly being finalised.
The workshop will be held at the King's Manor in the historic center of York. A
ccommodation will be provided in nearby hotels and on the campus of the Univers
ity of York.
Submission procedure
Prospective authors should submit four copies of their contribution(s) by Febru
ary 1, 1999 to:
Edwin Hancock (EMMCVPR'99)
Department of Computer Science
University of York
Heslington, York, Y01 5DD, UK.
The manuscripts submitted should be no longer than 15 pages, and the cover page
should contain: ti- tle, author's name, affiliation and address, e-mail addres
s, fax and telephone number, and an abstract no longer than 200 words. In case
of joint authorship, the first name will be used for correspondence unless othe
rwise requested. All manuscripts will be reviewed by at least two members of th
e program committee. Accepted papers will appear in the proceedings which will
again be published in the series Lecture Notes in Computer Science by Springer-
Verlag, and will be distributed to all participants at the workshop. In order t
o get a high-quality book with a uniform and professional appearance, prospecti
ve authors are strongly encouraged to use the LaTeX style file available at the
WWW site indicated below.
Important dates
Paper submission deadline: 1 February, 1999
Notification of acceptance: April 1999
Camera-ready paper due: May 1999
Information on the workshop will be maintained at
This page will include information on accepted papers and the final program.
Edwin Hancock
Professor of Computer Vision
Department of Computer Science
University of York
York Y01 5DD, UK.
Tel: 44 1904 43 3374
Fax: 44 1904 43 2767
Received on Thu Jan 7 07:30:47 1999
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