Dear Colleague:
You are welcome to present a paper at
- M E S O M E C H A N I C S ' 9 8 (May 31 - June 2, 1998)
and/or at
OF MATERIAL FAILURE - M E S O F A I L U R E ' 98 (June 3 - 4, 1998)
in Tel Aviv, Israel (one paper per presenter).
What is Mesomechanics?
A new science, a branch of the physics and mechanics of deformation
and fracture, has recently received its own name - Mesomechanics. The
"meso" range of experimental and theoretical analysis of processes
related to deformation and fracture of solids is defined as lying
between the scale at which continuum mechanics is sufficiently
accurate for a description of the events, and the atomistic scale.
Within this range, several subscales can be identified, for instance
those related to grains, grain boundaries, particles, shear bands,
voids, microcracks and dislocations. To study phenomena within the
meso range, new tools are often needed, sometimes outside the normal
use of classical mechanics. Mesomechanics deals also with phenomena of
self-organization in materials under loading.
Conference and Workshop Co-Chairmen:
Prof. V.E. Panin,
Director of State Research Center Institute of
Strength Physics and Materials Science, Siberian Branch of Russian
Academy of Sciences, Tomsk, Russia
Prof. R.L. Salganik,
Center for Technological Education Holon, Israel
Prof. G.C. Sih,
Xi'an Jiaotong University, China
Prof. M.P. Wnuk,
University of Wisconsin, Milwaukee, USA
Conference and Workshop International Organizing Committe:
Prof. A. Beltzer,
Center for Technological Education Holon - CTEH, Israel
Prof. S. R. Bodner,
Israel Institute of Technology - Technion, Haifa, Israel
Prof. K.B. Broberg,
University College Dublin, Ireland
Prof. W. Brocks,
Materials Research Center, GKSS, Geesthacht, Germany
Prof. I.G. Cameron,
Atomic Weapons Establishment, UK
Prof. G.P. Cherepanov, Florida International University, Miami, USA
Prof. V.M. Fomin,
Corresponding member of Russian Academy of Sciences - RAS,
Director, Institute of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, Siberian
Branch - SB RAS, Novosibirsk, Russia
Prof. V.E Fortov,
Vice-president of RAS, President of Russian Foundation of Fundamental
Research, Moscow, Russia
Prof. Yu.V. Grinyaev,
Institute of Strength Physics and Materials Science, SB RAS, Tomsk, Russia
Prof. Z. Hashin,
Tel Aviv University, Israel
Prof. B.L. Holian,
Theoretical Division Los Alamos National Laboratory, USA
Prof. J. Hutchinson,
Harward University, Cambridge, USA
Prof. W.G. Knauss,
California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, USA
Prof. J. K. Knowles,
California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, USA
Prof. E. Kroner,
University of Stuttgart, Germany
Prof. V.F. Kuropatenko,
Russian Federal Nuclear Center, Chelyabinsk, Russia
Prof. B. R. Lawn,
NIST Fellow, National Institute of Standards and
Technology, USA
Prof. V. Li, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, USA
Prof. J. M. Lifshitz, Technion, Haifa, Israel
Prof. P.V. Makarov,
Institute of Strength Physics and Materials Science, SB RAS, Russia
Prof. D.M. Maron,
Director, CTEH, Israel
Prof. L. Mishnaevsky,
University of Stuttgart, Germany
Prof. T. Mura,
Northwestern University, Evanston, USA
Prof. A. Needleman,
Brown University, Providence, USA
Prof. Z. Olesiak, University of Warsaw, Poland
Prof. R. Parnes, Tel Aviv University, Israel
Prof. S. G. Psakhie,
Russian Materials Science Center, Russia
Prof. A. Rosakis,
California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, USA
Prof. E.I. Shemyakin,
Academician of RAS, Moscow University, Russia
Prof. D.I. Shilkrut,
Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, Beer Sheva, Israel
Prof. D. Wagner, The Weizmann Institute of Science, Rehovot, Israel
Prof. J. Willis, Cambridge University, UK
Conference Topics:
-Physics and mechanics of heterogeneous media as a basis for
computer aided design of advanced materials.
-Computer aided design of advanced materials based on metals,
ceramics and polymers.
-Basic scientific principles of strengthening and surface treatment
of materials.
-Non-destructive testing based on mesomechanics.
-Mesomechanics of fatigue.
-Experimental methods of mesomechanics.
-Fractals in mesomechanics.
-Mathematical models and methods for mesomechanics.
-Contact mesomechanics.
-Strain localization processes at pre-fracture stage on meso-level
of material structure.
-Influence of yielding, irreversible deformation and fracture on
phase transformations in solids on micro- and meso-levels.
-Mesomechanics of time-dependent deformation, damage and fracture.
-High rate deformation and fracture processes. -Mesomechanics of
highspeed and shock wave deformation. -Mesomechanics of rocks and
soils -Engineering applications of mesomechanics.
Some invited key-note lectures that will be presented to the
Prof. K.B. Broberg, "Modelling of Materials in Mesofracture"
(University College Dublin, Ireland);
Prof. Y.C. Gao,"Fatigue Mechanism of Fiber-Reinforced
Materials" (Northern Jiaotong University, China);
Prof. B.L. Holian, "Plasticity Induced by Shock Waves in Large Scale
Nonequilibrium Molecular-Dynamics Simulations" (Los Alamos National
Laboratory, USA)
Prof. J.K. Knowles, "Continuum Modeling of Solid-Solid Phase
Transitions" (Caltech, USA);
Prof. B.R. Lawn, "Damage Accumulation Beneath Hertzian
Contacts in Ceramics and Other Brittle Materials"
(National Institute of Standards and Technology, USA);
Prof. G.C. Sih, "Transitional and Instability Character of
Mesofracture" (Xi'an Jiaotong University, China);
Prof. M.P. Wnuk, "Constitutive Modeling of Damage
Accumulation and Fracture in Multiphase Materials"
(University of Wisconsin, Milwaukee, USA)
A synopsis of one page should be sent or faxed and also sent by e-mail
(if possible) to the Conference and Workshop Coordinator not later
than November 20, 1997: see the Application and Information Request
Please inform your Colleagues to submit tentative paper titles
immediately, thanks.
For more information please see
or address:
Prof. R.L. Salganik - the Conference and the Workshop Coordinator.
Center for Technological Education Holon P.O. Box 305, Holon 58102.
Fax: (972-3) 502-6643, (972-3) 502-6619
Tel.: (972-3) 502-6628
Communication by e-mail is preferable.
May 31. - June 2, 1998
June 3 - 4, 1998
Tel Aviv, Israel
Please mail this form to:
Prof. R.L. Salganik - the Conference and Workshop Coordinator.
Center for Technological Education Holon, Affiliated with Tel Aviv
University P.O. Box 305, Holon 58102, Israel
Fax: (972-3) 502-6643, (972-3) 502-6619
Surname:________________________First Name:_____________
I intend to:
É attend the Conference/Workshop (Yes/No),
É present an oral/poster paper to the Conference (Yes/No),
É present a paper to the Workshop (Yes/No)
A synopsis of one page should be sent or faxed and also sent by e-mail
(if possible) to the Conference and Workshop Coordinator not later
than November 20, 1997.
ÉMy organization intends to participate in the Exhibition (Yes/No).
Received on Sun Nov 2 18:19:32 1997
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