Autor: Ewa K. Andersen (
Data: Tue 30 Jan 2001 - 08:25:25 MET

          <>     To: Multiple recipients of list CHEMFAN <> 
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                                  Subject:  Re: Glutamian sodu                                  
          01-01-29 23:27                                                                        
          Please respond to                                                                     

> Witam!
> Ostatnio slyszalam informacje, ze zawarty w popularnie zwanej przyprawie
> "jarzynka", "wegeta" ma szkodliwe dzialanie. Zwlaszcza gdy ktos spozywa
> w stanie surowym, np. posypujac nim kanapki itp. Czy ktos moze wie cos na
> ten temat?
> Pozdrawiam
> Anna

     Glutaminian sodu to nie konserwant. Kwas glutaminowy to przeciez aminokwas, a jego jedyne szkodliwe działanie polega na tym, ze bierze on udział w przekazywaniu impulsów nerwowych i jego nadmiar moze to troche rozregulować. Niebezpieczny jest zwłaszcza dla małych dzieci, ale naprawde w
duzych dawkach (powoduje nawet uposledzenie umyslowe).

    Niedawno przeczytalem, ze na jezyku sa obecne receptory wykrywajace reszte tego aminokwasu (czyli nowy smak, nazwany "umami"). Prawdopodobnie to
dlatego glutaminian sodu jest dodawany do przypraw i dziala jako wzmaczniacz

    Pozdrowienia i smacznego

Przepraszam bardzo, ze moj cytat jest po angielsku, ale chyb ato proste rpzeslanie jest do zrozumienia. Wiem, ze w USA i Kanadzie panuje "panika anty MSG", poniewaz uwazany jest on za rakotworczy. Kiedy przyjdzie to do Europy?

A lot of this info is found in a book by George R. Schwartz, MD a noted toxicologist, "In Bad Taste, the MSG Syndrome".

MSG = Mono Sodium Glutamate

MSG has been found to be more toxic than all other food toxins, poisons and allergens.!!!

Patients have stronger reactions to MSG than arsenic or mercury.

MSG is pervasively hidden under other names and aliases so as to go undetected.

MSG is a sodium salt of Glutamic Acid, an amino acid and is a drug. It acts as an excitatory neurotransmitter. It basically causes the nerve cells to discharge an electrical impulse and that's the basis of its use as a flavor enhancer. Food companies learned that MSG could increase the flavor and aroma and enhance acceptability of commercial food products.

Equally important they learned that it could also uppress undesirable or "off" flavors, bitterness, and sourness and eliminated the "tinny" taste of canned foods. This is the reason food companies in general have no intention of giving up MSG as an additive in their products.

USA national consumption of MSG went from roughly one million pounds in 1950 to 300 times that amount today.

Here's the bottom line: As the dose increases, every single human will react to MSG at some point. At certain doses it becomes toxic enough to cause illness.

Ewa K.Andersen

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